프리미어 오류 코드 9 - peulimieo olyu kodeu 9

In Premiere Pro, Error Code 3 is most likely to occur when the software’s settings have not been configured. This error primarily occurs when a user tries to render a video in H.264 format. Here are five quick fixes for the issue.

Why does Error Code 3 Occur?

1. GPU not Meeting Required Specifications

Error Code 3 on Premiere Pro might occur because the GPU does not meet the required specifications. In this case, the user needs a higher performant computer system, including a GPU with more VRAM based on their workflow.

2. System Incompatible with Adobe Premiere Pro

Error Code 3 might also occur if the system isn’t compatible with Premiere Pro. The editing software comes with a built-in utility that helps to scan a system. If Premiere Pro identifies known difficulties with the system settings, such as mismatched graphics card drivers, this report will immediately appear when you run the program.

5 Ways to Fix Error Code 3 on Premiere Pro

1. Software Only Encoding

Video > Encoding Settings > Performance > Select Software Encoding > Click Ok > Restart Premiere Pro

Changing the encoding mode from Hardware Encoding to Software Encoding mode, leads to the GPU being bypassed, so the video rendering and exporting process occurs without it. There is a downside to this, as the Software Encoding mode will make the editing process lengthier. However, it can help fix Error Code 3 on Premiere Pro.

2. Close Adobe Creative Cloud Service Running in the background

Open Task Manager > Close all the Adobe Creative Cloud Services

Re-Open the project on Premiere Pro, this should resolve the error. Error Code 3 can be caused by the Creative Cloud CoreSync running in the background. Ending all creative cloud services running in the background can help solve the error.

3. Re-Install Graphics Card Driver Update

Try to update all Windows drivers, including the graphics card driver, using Device Manager to the version compatible with Premiere Pro.

4. Power Management of GPU

To solve Error Code 3 on Premiere Pro, the user needs to set the power management of the GPU to the maximum. The NVIDIA Control Panel or AMD Radeon Software can be used to configure Power Management. If the user has an NVIDIA GPU,

  • Right-Click on the Desktop
  • Click on Show More Options
  • Select NVIDIA Control Panel in the Context Menu
  • Click on Manage 3D Settings
  • Find Power Management Mode under settings and set it to prefer maximum performance using the drop-down menu.

5. Updating Adobe Premiere Pro

Error Code 3 could occur if Adobe Premiere Pro hasn’t been updated to the latest version. The user can check for the latest updates using the Adobe Application Updater. The application checks for updates and downloads and installs them automatically. The latest version will provide the best user experience. With each new Premiere Pro version, Adobe fixes many bugs and glitches.


If you encounter Error Code 3 in Premiere Pro, these five simple fixes can help you resolve it quickly so you can resume editing! You can find the latest in post-production on our Postudio blog if you encounter such errors.

질문 프리미어 프로 렌더링 오류, 정말 많은 방법을 썼는데도 해결이 안 됩니다


2020-01-01 20:43:32 15026 1 4

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인터넷에 나와있는 모든 해결 방법(컴퓨터 재부팅, 파일 위치를 바꿔서 재시도, '대기열'클릭하여 미디어 인코더로 렌더링, 렌더러를 GPU에서 재생 엔진 소프트웨어 전용으로 변경, 오류가 났다는 시간코드 주변을 삭제하기, 새 프로젝트에 복붙하고 재시도, 엔비디아 드라이버 업데이트)을 다 써봤는데도 계속해서 오류가 뜹니다. 오랜 시간을 들여 제작한 영상이어서 절대 날려먹고 싶진 않습니다.. 추가적인 해결방법이 있다면 꼭 알려주세요. 고수 편집자님의 조언 부탁드립니다.



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