김수영 어느 날 고궁 을 나오면서



  • 한국문학교육학회
  • 문학교육학 학술저널
  • 문학교육학 제17호
  • 2005 11 - 35 (25page)


김수영 어느 날 고궁 을 나오면서




내서재에 추가


In this century, Kimsuyeong's poetry is basked more concentrative lighting. He is one of the greatest poet who represents the history of Korean modern poetry. Because possibility of analysis is included richly, his works have been heftily handled. I had an opportunity to examine several poetry handbooks that get to be read much in the secondary education. By the way, I was disappointed because almost explanation is being consistent by decisive statement. They treated similar Gimsuyeong's

. They explained this poem as that is petty bourgeois' discord and puritanical expression of suffering that intend moral purity by a word. But, this poem can be read as it is asserting that small thing is never small. When see as these viewpoint, this poem is not self-examination that criticizes about timid himself. Preferably, it is criticizing about the failure of revolution that adhered to the great undertaking. This poem reveals that 'Smallish work' that was cleared away is not smallish but can be far wide and big and deep problem preferably. It insists on that the way to practice a love for other people is shouting to require delicate compassion and speech freedom on whole body at the same time.


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이 논문의 저자 정보

김수영 어느 날 고궁 을 나오면서


소속기관 한국문학연구학회

주요연구분야 인문학 > 한국어문학

논문수 6 이용수 153

최근 본 자료





초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The study about post-colonialsm in Kim Suyoung's 'Oneday leaving the old palace' The purpose of this thesis is to analyze about 'Oneday leaving the old palace' of Kim Suyoung and consider the intertextuality with all his works. Therefore this theses devide it into fair and narrow-minded self and the satire of self about central and outside as petit bourgeois, and also criticize each partial mean and correlationship with all his works. Kim Suyoung state clearly his intolerant tradition as 'order' in the historical and social system in those days, that is the national ideology with force. His dualism that is indignant about a matter of detail, not an important matter, cause the poetic self to resent. His petit bourgeois that expressed frankly dualism is to lively satirize himself. The subject of satire is the petit bourgeois that is indignant about a matter of detail. He demonstrates about the center and outside through self satire represented his internal dualism. It is a self-reflection about the petit bourgeois of

The study about post-colonialsm in Kim Suyoung's 'Oneday leaving the old palace' The purpose of this thesis is to analyze about 'Oneday leaving the old palace' of Kim Suyoung and consider the intertextuality with all his works. Therefore this theses devide it into fair and narrow-minded self and the satire of self about central and outside as petit bourgeois, and also criticize each partial mean and correlationship with all his works. Kim Suyoung state clearly his intolerant tradition as 'order' in the historical and social system in those days, that is the national ideology with force. His dualism that is indignant about a matter of detail, not an important matter, cause the poetic self to resent. His petit bourgeois that expressed frankly dualism is to lively satirize himself. The subject of satire is the petit bourgeois that is indignant about a matter of detail. He demonstrates about the center and outside through self satire represented his internal dualism. It is a self-reflection about the petit bourgeois of

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