영어 말하기 대본 - yeong-eo malhagi daebon

ok. well... im going to tell about my life. about what i feel...


i was in army from 2013 to 2014. more exactly, from January, 2013 to October, 2014 

in korea, most of men are go to military for obligatory. 

but i had what i hate, i didn't want to scream and control someone. so my senior told to me 'you are selfish' 'you are good but you have to care your inferior' 'you have to get to interested in'. 

i didnt understand at that time but i understand that mean after it have been 7 years. haha

am i fool? haha im just still improving now.

when i young, i thought im very smart, im right person always. maybe most of young people think like that. right?

as i get older, im become more modestly. 

so now i realized why we study. i think knowing and learning is made people are more modestly.

i learned a real mean about 'respect'. its not teach someone, its recognize each other. and we have to talk for each other. all problem came from talking and all solve came from also talking.

so i started to chat first. cuz i wanted to meet many stranger person. yeah i got a lot of penpal friend.

and then i tried to meet foreigner. 

when i meet a foreigner in first time at Brazil, it was very awkward. i practice introduce about myself in english for meeting but i only said 'uhmm...' 'yeah..' 'ohhh' hahaha. but im lucky. friends whom i met were very kind. they kept to wait when i talk. they have a patience. yeah i got a lot of good experience in first trip. so next, i want to go to Middle Eastern. its Alladin's country. i want to meet my Jasmine. haha



when i get older, i felt i have to do anything before 30.

cuz i think 20's is like challenge age, and 30's is like stable age.

so what i want, well.. i want to get a attitude like if i want to do, i do it right now.

why i think like that, cuz im lazy. and when i woke up at morning, i cant wake up when i listening alarm sound haha.

and i think 'just 5 minute more.. 5 min more..' haha so i wanted to change it!

and if i think 'oh i have to go to exercise' and 'oh i have to study', i have to do right now. but i was not.

so im trying to get the attitude. i did a lot of hair style and brazilian waxing, exercise, trip, etc.

i think we worry when we do something at first. thats why we are smarter than past. there is a lot of information on youtube. and we search anything at youtube, not thinking. so we feel its real my experience, but its not!

we have to do try myself. we have to feel as use five sense.

when people are died? forget from people? no. if people dont have curiosity, its die. so we have to move without think. and we have to be kid. we are not smart. we are not perfect. we have to improve. and we have to try.


when i was in university student, i had my first group blind dating. its really bad experience but it's so funny memory now. it called '과팅' in korea.

im not good at student, cuz my university is christan university, i didnt believe it. so i thought always about when i stop my university. so i was really boring. 

anyway i had a friend who love play,girl and drinking. and he said 'i got some group for group blind dating, will you join us?' and i said 'yes, of course'. cuz i was boring and it was new experience. so i was very interested. and i imagine about making girlfriend and dating. it makes me exciting!

after finish my class, we met girls at the bar. it was really awkward. i scanned like 'who is my girl?'. 

and i picked up one girl in my heart. we played 'drinking game' for become friendly. 

but i realized it was not good. cuz she is far from me. so i thought for change our seat.

and i drink her's alcohol, i got like 'a wish ticket'. so i said 'come here' 😂😂😂 and i told to her my friend's bad point. it was my plan for get her. but it was not good tactic.

also i was shy to girl. so i cant talk well with her. after, she is gone, some girl is gone too. and we drunk more with some girl who keep to stay. so we drunk until midnight, im become friend to other girl. it was lucky. cuz she have same way to home with me. so we talked many serious talk. and i thought 'oh its timing for sex?' so i asked to her 'you live alone?' but she said 'no i have a roommate'. so i thought 'dont be hurry Gwangseok, i have a chance'

so i walk with her to her's home, and i came back to my home after exchange our number!

but i didnt know how to get a date in other day, so i call to her at morning, maybe about 7am.😂😂🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

i said 'lets eat breakfast together'. but she was kind. she said 'its too early, i will call you later' 

eventually we ate together at weekend, we were become a good friend. 


whats respect


whats life


what should i do for future

for ideal i... do like that...weqweqwwe
