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디지털콘텐츠 해외진출 활성화 전략에 관한 연구

배임구 충남대학교 경영대학원 2006 국내석사

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Worldwide, the market for digital contents industry was estimated at over $178 billion in 2001. Currently, the U.S., Japan and Europe dominate more than 90 percent of the world digital contents market. Also, the Korean digital contents industry has recorded an average annual growth rate of 35.7 percent over the past four years since 2001, about two times faster than the average growth rate of the overall Korean information technology industry. Korea's digital contents exports shot up to $430 million in 2004 from 60 million in 2001 and digital contents production to 6.5 trillion won from 2.6 trillion won. Such domestic as well as international success in Korean digital contents industry made by Korean internet companies' aggressive digital strategy by their own. For example, NCsoft, a role-model for the whole Korean games industry, has operated NC Taiwan, NC Japan, NC Sina in China, and NC Interactive in US successfully thanks to their successful international strategy since 2000. In this paper, I examined NCsoft's international strategy and analysed that NCsoft corporation has provided an effective 4C's strategy services to their valued customers by providing their creative contents, fast arid stable communication service, high-valued OSMU(One source, multi use) strategy, and effective community to customers. Also, I compare NHN's international strategy which is another famous online game corporation in Korea. Based on the case studies about successful digital contents corporations, I suggested export strategies for Korean digital contents industry. First companies should develop the best quality of original contents for their customers considering their own culture, community, age, and etc. Second, to create maximum profit in the digital contents industry, companies try to develop their digital contents and make use of OSMU(One Source Multi Use) in various areas such as character industry, mobile and wireless industry, and etc. Third, it is required to collaborate with local companies and provide an effective and attractive marketing to the customers in target countries. Fourth, it is important to provide the speedy and stable communication service and an effective community service to customers. Fifth, development of OSMU requires constant management in their copyrights. In conclusion, I hope that this thesis will help Korean digital contents corporations to guide and establish their best export strategy. Also, our digital contents corporations enlarge their vision focusing on global customers and make them true global companies in the future.

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