신념의 수호 세트 - sinnyeom-ui suho seteu

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Incendium의 댓글

The Vestments of Faith are not obtained by pure drops, but rather by obtaining drops in addition to turning in reagents for each piece. These drops are shared with other classes so that there are less loot table problems and you have more of a chance to get your set piece, in essence. AQ40 has a similar class loot system.

Note: All known icons have their known drops posted at the time this comment was made.

Belt of Faith (Waist):
- Descrated Belt
- Wartorn Cloth Scrap (8)
- Arcane Crystal (2)
- Mooncloth (2)

Bindings of Faith (Wrist):
- Descrated Bindings
- Wartorn Cloth Scrap (6)
- Arcane Crystal
- Nexus Crystal

Circlet of Faith (Head):
- Desecrated Circlet
- Wartorn Cloth Scrap (15)
- Mooncltoh (3)
- Nexus Crystal (3)

Gloves of Faith (Hand):
- Desecrated Gloves
- Wartorn Cloth Scrap (8)
- Mooncloth (4)

Leggings of Faith (Legs):
- Desecrated Leggings
- Wartorn Cloth Scrap (20)
- Mooncloth (4)
- Nexus Crystal (2)

Robe of Faith (Chest):
- Desecrated Robe
- Wartorn Cloth Scrap (25)
- Mooncloth (4)
- Nexus Crystal (2)

Sandals of Faith (Feet):
- Desecrated Sandals
- Wartorn Cloth Scrap (12)
- Mooncloth (2)
- Cured Rugged Hide (3)

Shoulderpads of Faith (Shoulder):
- Desecrated Shoulderpads
- Wartorn Cloth Scraps (12)
- Mooncloth (2)
- Cured Rugged Hide (3)

Ring of Faith (Ring):
- Drops off Kel'thuzad

Other noteable Naxxramas priest loot:
- Splinter/Frame/Head of Atiesh: Used for the Legendary Staff (https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=22631)
- Band of Unanswered Prayers: Great healing ring.
- Cloak of Suturing: Great healing / mp/5 cloak.
- Digested Hand of Power: Awesome off-hand for mp/5, goes good with
- Eye of Diminution: Great for any caster, priests can certainly put this to good use.
- Glacial Headdress, Glacial Mantle: Frost resist is frost resist.
- Necklace of Necropsy: Great healing neckpiece.
- Noth's Frigid Heart: The healing counterpart to . (Personally, i'd rather take the Hand.)
- Pendant of Forgotten Names: The mp/5 counterpart to . (I prefer mp/5 over healing)
- Ring of Spiritual Fervor: The mp/5 counterpart to .
- Spire of Twilight: Probably the best healing stave in the game, next to Atiesh. A must have for any raiding priest who prefers Staves.
- The Widow's Embrace: If you prefer high stamina or high intellect, try shooting for the . If you like high healing and high spirit, combo this with . Otherwise, you can't go wrong with the .
- Wand of the Whispering Dead: One of the best healing wands currently in the game.

Please note that I have listed optimal healing gear. Feel free to make your own suggestions for priest DPS gear. I play a healing priest, not a shadow priest. ;]

2406의 댓글

The Robes are confirmed drop from the 4 Horsemen chest.

4575의 댓글

It bugs me how people hate shadow priests so much. In end game you are more usefull as a healer, or so some people say. So lets say you are alowed to be a shadow priest, and mages and warlocks DO NOT have priority over dmg gear...

If you are a shadow priest with the best known gear in the game you would have:

Crit w/spells: 12%
To hit w/spells: 5%
Shadow dmg: 760

So, that means you are doing 1200 non-critical mind blasts(360 healed per mind blast) Plus SWP is 400 dmg per/3sec(130 heal per/3sec) Plus mind flay 280 dmg per/3sec of chaneling(84 heal per/3sec of chaneling).

Total DPS: 950
Total DPM: 57,000
Total HPS: 285 to all party members.
Total HPM: 17,100 to all party members.

But ^^^^^That^^^^^ is assuming nothing is resisted and threat does not matter, and not including critical hits.

All im trying to say is give shadow priests a chance. The reason why no one wants shadow priests is because they say. "Who wants crappy dmg and crappy healing when i could use that spot for good healing OR good damage." And the reason why they dont have good gear is because they dont have a chance to get good gear. I know a lot of guilds that accept shadow priests, but they dont get anything because the 12 other dps classes in the raid get it because they are a dps class and priests are a healing class. What am I supposed to do, wait till every mage or warlock gets the item then I can roll on it? By that time the guild would be done with...lets say MC, and on to BWL. So MC is rarely done, and im still in my crappy blues with 11 dmg.

And I know everyone is saying...well anyone would do good in the best gear in the game, but thats my point. ANYONE..including shadow priests, so therefor, priests should be able to do what they want. The only objection I would have is if a shadow priest world roll on healing gear. Now thats just wrong..pick one.

If you want to see the gear I used u can check it out at http://ctprofiles.net/3802538.

4575의 댓글

Ohh I forgot to mention, with the BC talents...you would rape as a shadow priest. New spells, less mana cost, and also a HEAL!!! Also, consider the likely chance of there being mind blast rank 10 or even 11, for I did all of my calculations on the rank 9 mind blast. Although the heal costs a lot of mana, most shadow priests have plus dmg AND healing gear, therfore this would not be bad at all. Shadow priests will (hopefully) be more accepted in their raids because they can throw that extra flash heal to party members.

The biggest thing that I didn't mention is that in raids you are doing 15% dmg(shadowform) 15% dmg(shadow weaving) 10% dmg(Darkness) and 15% dmg(curse of shadows: warlock debuff). So thats a total of 55% dmg, which make your mind blasts a 1860 dmg spell NON-CRITICAL!!!!!! (I thought the numbers seemed a little low for the best gear in the game :D)

With BC you add the 15% crit chance, and also the 3% more dmg (if warlock spec has Malediction) so that means ur doing 1896 dmg on mindblast, and 568 healing to all party members. So im guessing on crits, but I would say 3000 easy? So 1000 healing to party members. I don't feal like doing the math for other spells but you get the point...I hope.

The only thing I would be worried about is running out of mana too fast, (which should not be a problem because of the new BC talents plus raid buffs) and threat. Obviously with that much dmg gear ur gonna get a lot of threat. The reason threat would be a problem is because you can't take dps breaks (unless everyone but tank is taking dps breaks example: Onixia) Well, I suppose you could, but you would be letting the 4 people in your group die. So i suggest putting points in your talents to reduce threat. I know you might be giving somethings up, but It would most likely be necissary for a PVE shadow priest. Youe might think that -45% threat is enough, but it might not be. Remember, mind blast "causes a high amount of threat". So use fade as often as possible and think about getting a trinket that can reduce your threat. I know of one that can reduce threat by 70% for 20 seconds and that would be VERY usefull for the last 5%-10% of a boss in major raid dungeons. I don't think it would be necissary, but it would obviously help.

REMEMBER: All of the calculations that I did were from the best gear in the game. So dont get your hopes up too high unless you are in a guild that accepts shadow priests, the guild raids for 8 hours a day, AND you go to all of the raids are necissary things to aquire such awsome dps/hps. The gear includes all epics, the new legendary staff, and best possible enchants.

And for those who say shadowpriests are overpowered, well they are, and thats what I like the most about this class/spec. And for those who say if you want to dps, then change to a dps class. Well, I dont want to do just dps, and I dont want do do just healing. I want to do both, and the only class that can dps and heal at the same time is a shadow spec priest. I suppose you could say warlocks do that, but sipphon life and drain health are just too weak. I like the fact that my healing relys on a f*** load of dmg and it heals your party too.

Well, I think I pretty much proved everyone wrong about shadow priests. And if you have any objections post a comment so I can prove you wrong again. (Besides my calculations...if they are worng...its human error) And if you want to be a shadowpriest, raid, and also get the same chance as everyone else to get gear, show this to ur guildmaster. They might change their mind by seeing the numbers.

The only reason why I wrote this was to show people that we are very useful in raids...JUST GIVE US A CHANCE!!!!!!

Incendium의 댓글

You are forgetting that you won't be mind blasting in raids; Mind flay is much more mana efficient, especially when you have high +dmg, and since it has no chance to crit, it's much more worthwhile to get +hit gear instead of +crit gear if you plan on raiding.

4575의 댓글

Can anyone clear this up for me?

In shadow priest spec (Misery) it says three spells cause an additional 5% dmg to the target, so does that mean if you have those 2 DoTs up and your mind flaying then everyone does +15% spell dmg to the target? Or is it only +5%? And do all spell casters get the +spell dmg? or is it just you?

4175의 댓글

While Shadow priests do have their advantages in raids they're damage really is not comparable to a fully geared mage. The 15% increase to damage for shadow is great for high dps fights such as patchwork and huhu and for fight with no agro problems (C'Thun) but in general warlocks already have to hold back on dps to not pull agro. While having 15% extra damage would mean they can effectively dps for 15% longer you really are wasting a slot in a raid for a minimal buff.

I personally am a fully shadow spec'd priest sitting at about 450 damage, not too high but nothing to complain about. I have only ever dps'd on trash and c'thun and every other time it is just applying shadow weaving between heals. Other then that a priest can help the raid that much more by healing.

Anyway back to the faith set. I'd say that the set as a whole is quite decent, much better then transcendence. The only beef I have with it is that the 4 and 6 piece set bonus's really do not make sense. Firstly the set has 0% crit on it, yet they give it a bonus for greater heal crits? Secondly the 6 piece bonus is a reduction in threat. Priests have no trouble with healing agro while in raid with a decent tank, which there is assuming you can collect faith pieces from Naxx.

jason의 댓글

Except, just be aware that there are numerous mechanisms that drop tank aggro. Also, it's not something that tanks can always pick up or deal with. Take the Anub'rekhan fight as a prime example with the small bugs that appear when something dies. While it would be nice to have tanks handle that, these bugs do make a bee line straight for people, and this can be priests. Same goes for 4H, whose marks appear to have an aggro drop/reducer. So if you land a large heal right after a transition/mark, you'll pull aggro. And while it might not be bad to fade, the fact that a horsemen can run 5 yards closer means it could put you in range of an ability like Holy Wrath, and yeah, gg.

So really, anything that lowers threat as a set bonus is good, especially since at this stage, Silent Resolve isn't really being used.

769의 댓글

Total materials for Faith (excluding the BOP items):

106 Wartorn CLoth Scrap
3 Arcane Crystal
21 Mooncloth
8 Nexus Crystal
6 Cured Rugged Hide

4130의 댓글

Let your DPS accumulate their Ahn'Qiraj sets, because you'll want to deck out your tanks and healers in Tier 3 first once you get into Naxxramas.

6710의 댓글

This has so much spirit you regen like crazy. Easy healing IMO

I have 4 pieces. With the trans 3 set piece bonus you can heal for a long time.

7470의 댓글

Requires Desecrated Armor along with other items to be turned into a quest npc(except the ring).

Desecrated Armor is dropped in Naxxramas off certain bosses.

The following is a list of what boss drops what:

Shoulders-Gluth, Grobbulus, and Patchwerk
Chest-The Four Horsemen
Boots-Gluth, Instructor Razuvious, and Gothik the Harvester
Bracers-Anub'Rekhan, Gluth, and Grand Widow Faerlina
Belt-Gluth, Heigan the Unclean, and Noth the Plaguebringer

7470의 댓글

The other materials are as follows:

15 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 3 Mooncloth, and 2 Nexus Crystals
12 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 2 Mooncloth, and 3 Cured Rugged Hide
25 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 4 Mooncloth, and 2 Nexus Crystals
20 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 2 Nexus Crystals, and 4 Mooncloth
8 Wartorn Cloth Scraps and 4 Mooncloth
12 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 2 Mooncloth, and 3 Cured Rugged Hides
8 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 2 Arcane Crystals, and 2 Mooncloth
6 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 1 Arcane Crystal, and 1 Nexus Crystal

Thottbot의 댓글

Set drops in Naxx.

Vestments of Faith Totals

Int: 191
Spi: 171
Sta: 154

Other Effects
Increases Healing done by spells and effects by 483
Restores 19 mana every 5 seconds


Thottbot의 댓글

Quick comparison:

+98 Armor
+40 Stamina
-2 Intellect
+30 Spirit
+183 healing from spells
+12 mana / 5 sec
-1% crit with spells
-40 FR
-10 NR
-10 FrR
-30 SR
-10 AR

%crit is nice because of the procs that can occur on a crit.. especially on the four piece set bonus for faith, but +healing is much better than +%crit when it comes to your sustained healing quantity. +10 healing is about as good as 1% crit (a little better actually) so the comparison between 183 healing and 1% crit doesn't even exist.. transcendence doesn't even compare to faith when it comes to how much you can heal over time.
for once, the 8 piece bonus is awesome. every spell EVERY spell.. has a chance to increase your mana regeneration.. i don't know about you but i think that's just about the single most important thing for a priest in any endgame instance.
since this set is designed to help you level from 60 to 70, the resistances probably aren't as important.
mana regeneration is increased by 61.5 per 10 seconds

Thottbot의 댓글

removed some healing, added some mp5.

So Faith vs. Transcendence is now:
+ 40 sta
-  2 int
+ 30 spi
+139 heal
+ 16 mp5
-  1 crit
+ 98 ac
- 10 ir / 10 frr / 10 ar / 10 nr / 40 fir / 30 sr

from my point of view they could further decrease spirit and healing and add a few more mp5 for that.

Thottbot의 댓글

You can't get any of these items directly from the bosses in Naxx (with the exception of the ring) -- you have to turn in a token plus additional materials to a quest NPC in Light's Hope Chapel to get your item.  The token system is similar to that of AQ (20 and 40) and ZG, in that a particular token can be used by more than one class.  In Naxx, the warlock tokens are shared with mages and priests.  Warriors and rogues share another token class, while Pallies, Shamans, Druids, and Hunters share the third and final token class. 

Each of the main bosses of a wing drops two tokens, while the other bosses drop one token.  The armor slot a particular boss drops will always be the same.  The lesser bosses in a particular wing will drop the same armor slot, with the exception of the Abomination wing which has 4 bosses instead of the usual 3.  In the Abomination wing, the third boss (Gluth) will drop one token that any of the other lesser bosses can drop.  Kel'Thuzad drops the ring to complete the set, and no turn-in is necessary.

The four "minor" pieces of the set all drop from the first two bosses of the wings, plus all four pieces have a chance to drop from Gluth:

Waist: Plague Wing (Noth, Heingan) or Gluth
Shoulder: Abomination Wing (Patchwerk, Grobbulus, Gluth)
Wrist: Spider Wing (Anub'rekhan, Faerlina) or Gluth
Feet: Deathknight Wing (Razuvious, Gothik) or Gluth

The four "major" pieces of the set all drop from the main boss of a wing.  Each of these bosses will drop 2 tokens:
Head: Thaddius (Abomination Wing)
Chest: The Four Horsemen (Deathknight Wing)
Leg: Loatheb (Plague Wing)
Hand: Maexxna (Spider Wing)

The materials needed in addition to the token vary by class and armor slot.  Each set item requires a certain amount of "wartorn <armor class> scraps" (e.g. cloth wearers need "wartorn cloth scraps") which drop off of the trash mobs in Naxx.  The amount required for each armor slot:

Head: 15
Shoulder: 12
Chest: 25
Wrist: 6
Hand: 8
Waist: 8
Leg: 20
Feet: 12

For a total of 106 for the entire set.

In addition to the token and scraps requirement, the hand-ins will also require quantities of two of the following five items:
Cured Rugged Leather
Arcanite Bar
Nexus Crystal
Arcane Crystal

Thottbot의 댓글

U wanna see some info and how they look?


Thottbot의 댓글

Faith gives priest in my opinion the most important stats for a priest... + to healing and spirit

Thottbot의 댓글

I don't know if anyone has mentioned this or not, but it clearly says "increasing your mana regeneration by 24 for 30 sec", not "24 mana per 5 secs". That means 24 mana per tick, which is 60 mana per 5 secs (a tick is every 2 secs, so 24 x 2.5). As far as I know, there is only 2 items in the game which increase mana regen and not mana/5, which is this set bonus and the old version of Shard of Afrasa before it was changed to mana per 5.

Thottbot의 댓글

Tier 3 seems to be gauged towards one particular talent set up or another. My evidence thus far -

Dreadnaught greatly increaces Shield stats, as well as adds insane bonuses to attacks only available in Defensive Stance or that are derived from the Protection tree.

Paladin tier 3 8 piece effect really benifits the Holy Tree (On a Holy Light or Flash of Light Critical Hit, infuses the target with Holy Power granting them a class specific bonus). For those who don't know, Holy Paladins can perform an Induced Crit on one of those spells!

Shaman Tier 3 also has the same effect (Just Totemic Power instead of Holy, go figure).

Therefore(!), it suggests that Faith is built around a Priest Talent tree. From what I read of Priest sets, each set adds 2 things
A) A spell effect (or 2)
B) A Dicipline-esque ability (or 3 in this case)

Faith either will balance a Holy Priest, or make a Dicipline Priest even more powerful.

And for people who bash Greater Heal, do some math, For twice the casting time, you get 220% the healing, and only 175% of the mana cost. There is a fairly low level Priest Talent that will bring it down to only 150% casting time.
Also consider the fact that Flash Heal recieves less bonus than Greater Heal (from what I understand) from +healing gear. This means that you can use the lower level Greater Heal to better effect. Then work in the bonus of a Absorbtion Shield. This means that the already mathematicly better healing spell for single target healing is further enhanced. While Transendence does have more "dependable" set bonuses, it also has less less raw stats, which we have been using the entire time up until some of the lucky dogs out there got 2 or more Devout pieces at 53.

And, a fast aside, 50% chance to Fade for 4 sec (from Transendence), thats about enough time to notice and mabye pop a flash heal, you'd need something along the lines of bullet speed reflexes to pull off a Greater Heal or Prayer of Healing spell, where as Threat Reduction (Faith Set), is a constant, not a chance, a constant, seeing as we can cast Fade ourselves, if we need to fade multiple times, it probably means we are doing too much healing or the tank isn't holding enough aggro, but like I said, this is just an aside.

Back to more functional power, the two spells that you use alot as a Dicipline, is Power Word Shield, and Renew. Here is an idea for those who are reading - When mantaining multiple tanks or just one when the Priest isn't just tossing spells from some locked down vantage, and needs to move, Dispel (Why, aren't us Priests the only ones who do that?) and such, your time is not as well spent channeling a spell. you pop a Renew onto a shielded character and let the shield eat the damage while Renew fixes the scratches on the person (Wouldn't it be great if you could heal the shield though?). This set reduces ALL your Renew mana costs, so figure in the amount you save from not casting a rank 5 Renew compared to 12% lopped off the rank 9 Renew, (Not counting Mental Agility and such). Therefore, the mighty Renew is probably enough to match mabye 80% of your unmodified Greater Heal now, which makes Renew under a shield even better.

Ah, I forgot, back to the Shield one moment, Holy Priests probably just started shouting "What the heck about 'Inspiration'?", well that adds 25% Armor to your target. I point out, that most Raid Bosses don't hit quite THAT fast. That means for the damage negated by 25% may not add that quickly to 500, infact, I think most Raid bosses attack every 3 sec, so that gives, 5 attacks for the damage to build up. This is infact, pretty damn good, assuming your Inspire-y has alot of armor. Now lets assume, you are healing a Warrior, who has the upside of 6k armor, well, lets see, around 8300 armor. For those of us who know a bit about Bliz's Armor damage reduction system, The higher it goes, the less it helps. this means that 2000 Armor bonus when the base is 1000 is something like +18% Damage Reduction, but when armor is something like 6000, its much much smaller. I will consede here, Holy is superior in the following circumstance - Inspiration and Faith proc, and then about 5 sec later, ye giant Dragon pops a spell or special attack, there goes Faith's bonus, but you still have Inspiration up for the next 10 seconds, and your tank prays you can pull another crit out of your holy bag of tricks, with that extra armor still giving that bonus.

Back to that Renew thing, has it been proven that Transendence's 8p effect's Renew component has a bonus from +Healing? I know, getting off topic again, but hey, nearly to the end!

Was Epiphany's proc rating actually listed? Figuring that a Priest is casting 3 spells every 15 seconds, they will proc on a 10% chance every 50 seconds, on a 5% chance, every 100 sec, so that means, that they will get some of that mana back over the next 30 seconds.

All in all, thats my two copper, and because there is a hole in my pocket, several more fell in there too.

Thottbot의 댓글

I simply do not understand the set bonuses on this set. The set is clearly an improvement over Transcendence in stats but the set bonuses are what make the set not good at all.

12% less mana cost on renews.
500 absorb on g-heal crit.
less threat.
5% chance proc for 24 mp/5 for 30 seconds.

Half of the set bonuses are all situational procs. and you can't rely on them. Especially the 8/8 bonus that helps you regenerate mana.

But still the 3/8 and 5/8 transcendence bonus vastly outclass any bonus Faith offers.. hands down. The 8/8 trans bonus improves your healing effeciency as well. Rank 1 GHeal + Renew is a 600 HOT ticking every 3 seconds.

Faith has 150 more +healing than trans but thats only like an extra 30 healing per tick on your renew. I can use rank 1 g-heal + renew and have a more powerful heal.

Also what use is the 50 more spirit when you do not benefit from 15% more spirit effeciency?

400 spirit (trans) 3/8
400 / 4 + 12.5 = 112.5 * 0.30 = 33.75

450 spirit (faith)
450 / 4 + 12.5 = 125 * 0.15 = 18.75

Maybe if you want to look pretty or just want a pure +healing build than maybe Faith is what you want. But for any true raiding priest transcendence is definently your best option and it is much easier to get. Trans just has more mana regen effeciency, 50% chance to auto-fade (save you a massive repair bill), and 1000~ HOT on your G-heals will always and still be better than Faith.

I will keep my 8/8 transcendence set until the next expansion pack comes.

Thottbot의 댓글

about the jewls i think that in the new exp. blizz will put out T4.....and u got to be level 70 to wear it pluse more amro sets possble from one of the new dungens but i would not be surprised if blizz put out T5! would be awesome but maby u neeed it to do the new dungens...  just a  thot

Thottbot의 댓글

if mana reg is tick=2sec,you would get only 15%.
T3 isnt better ,it's only diffrent.
Tier2 greater heal hot makes free 1000 heal every time,this is shield him 500dmg only at crit.Is it better?
Of corse more spirit/heal ,but +1 item and -resistances.And what a joke less intelect?
It's not as good as hard to get.

Thottbot의 댓글


According to the buff that you actually get, it is only 24 mana per 5 seconds. Unless of course the tooltip is wrong, which I certainly hope it is, because that really sucks.

Thottbot의 댓글

We can argue all we want.  Every experienced priest knows that different situations call for different sets, or different combinations of sets.  This is just another set that we can put to use depending on what fight we're in. 

Only way to truly see how good this set is ,compared to others, is to test it out.  Too many factors are involved to actually make a good call.  Get the full thing and then argue all you want.

Thottbot의 댓글

The thing all +healing is about >> you can produce more healing in compressed time for the same mana. T3 is great, imho. If your tank takes heavy damage you can either keep him up or he dies because you were unable to compensate losses. Neither more mana nor mana regen counts in this case only +healing makes him live under damage spikes.

Second, it is hard to compare mana regen benefits because they are dependent on type of fight and your playstyle << how long do you stay inside 5 sec rule? Do you ever stop healing at all?
If you never stop casting through fights you are more likely to trigger T3 8/8 bonus. If you make pauses while casting you will better profit from regeneration.
You have more INT on T3. That means you will keep healing a bit longer independent on 5sec's. On the other hand, 3/8 T2 +15% mana regen, will wipe the INT bonus in longer fights. And, who can count whether the occasional 24 mana regen from 8/8 T3 bonus produce more or less mana than 3/8 T2 15% bonus? I can't, I am no math addict.

Third, there is an additional +healing benefit from more SPI on T3, if you spent talents in Spiritual Guidance. I know it is minor but, hey, it counts.

Fourth, who can count whether the only 2/8 bonus -12% of Renew gives more then free rank5 Renew bonus from 8/8 T2? I love Renew. Another example for mathematicians amongst us - priests.

And fifth, I die - often being the first of all healers - if I don't spend 5/5 points Silent resolve (-20% threat). With threat reduced from 6/8 T3 bonus I can points somewhere else.

my talent build
I wish I had T3 :)

Thottbot의 댓글

i think most of you gusy agree then priest should get most spirit then others spellcasters.
but why in tier 3 mage set gives only Intellect 177 and Spirit 49 .
and tier 3 Priest set gives Intellect 190 and Spirit 173 . i think mages should get about 222 intellect

Thottbot의 댓글

Faith Shoulders
Faith Boots
Faith Gloves
Faith Head
Trans Chest
Trans Wrist
Trans Leggings
Grasp of the old god (C'thun)
This is the ultimate healing gear for a priest atm (+ staffs rings etc)
but for clearing up what set/non set items u should get.

Thottbot의 댓글

What the hell are talking about? Go roll on your crappy AQ 40 set Oracle, and STFU.

As for me, I've already got two pieces of Faith, and I am going to stop at 5 pieces (or 6 pieces with the ring) unless we find that Thottbot is wrong and the regen is in fact 24mana/2sec not 24/5sec.

Thottbot의 댓글


Highest rank of fade can stop enemies from attacking you for a few seconds. IMO i would not spend my talent points on the threat reduction talent. It does not empower my priest in Healing or offensive spells or any other priest spell. I can just use the highest rank of fade. Though Fade's highest rank is required a high level of course. The highest rank is more effective than any other rank. But then again my 19 Twink priest used fade to stop the Hunter Pets from attacking me, so it is either my luck or Fade rank 1 is very effective

Thottbot의 댓글

I do PvP, because it is my favorite thing to do. So your question is answered with a depends, because in WSG and AB, the mobs are 100% players. The Player depends on how smart it is to kill the Person who heals or the Person who is fighting. And of course I know this from Experience. IMO, if the person kills the Priest, that person is smart. Killing the Fighter = Dumb.

If someone pulls just way too many mobs for me to handle, then that person is considered out of group/raid IMO.

Sorry if I am going off topic for this paragraph, but I have experience raiding as of playing my 60 hunter, in Molten Core, there is only like a two mob pull at the beginning. But that is just the beginning. At magmadar ( Big Puppy Boss ) there is Lucifron with 2 bodyguards. Based on how hard Lucifron's Curse that does 2000 shadow damage after a period of time can kill the priest with Lucifron's Bodyguards attacking. Also the Regular Corehounds are dangerous too, because a warrior was getting a stackable Damage over time curse. That Warrior was getting hurt with that Damage over time ability. And Ossirian the Unscarred of AQ20 hits pretty darn hard for the Shammys/hunters. He hits my hunter for about 2000. But that is just 1 mob. Your Question is about having to deal with so many mobs your tank cant hold aggro off them. But though Ossirian is only one mob, he is immune to taunt, I had to be taught that by being pwned by Ossirian if Feign Death Resists. And now I am careful with the damage threat I do. But then again, when you do Razor Fen Downs, lots of mobs on the undead side and Quilboar side. So there might be a few problems with no threat reduction. But I say that i do not need threat reduction is because it does not empower a priest in anyway.

And Hello? One of the bonuses in the Faith Set can reduce your threat from healing spells.

Thottbot의 댓글

This is a serious design flaw by Blizzard.  The 3-piece Transcendence bonus is not replaceable by anything comparable in Tier 3.  THIS BONUS HAS TO EXIST ON ALL FUTURE ITEM SETS IN ORDER FOR THE SET TO BE A TRUE UPGRADE.

You can slap all the +healing you want onto the Vestments of Faith, it's not going to make up for losing 15% of my base mana regen while inside the 5-second rule.  Not even close. 

I will be forced to wear 3 pieces of Transcendence because to NOT do so would be a serious downgrade.  Hence, the design flaw.

Pomodorosan의 댓글

These set bonuses are so bad, it's very disappointing and unfun.

The 2-set would be good if it wasn't for 8-set T2 being superior in Sapphiron where Renew would matter.
The 4-set Greater Heal crit shield is really poor, since it scales with rank, and you'll rarely use a higher rank of Greater Heal without excessive overheal.
The 6-set threat reduction is absolutely pointless, it's only 10%, and any tank would never have problem holding aggro off of heals, similarly to the Silent Resolve talent being pointless.
The 8-set is never worth using over the massive mana regen of 3-set T2.

T2 has much more practical bonuses, even its 5-set is far superior to T3's 6-set, and its 8-set unlocks one of the most fun mechanic for priests, their own Regrowth.

3D 보기링크

신념의 의복신념의 의복은(는) 3단계 방어구 세트입니다. 9종으로 이루어져 있습니다. 2, 4, 6, 그리고 8 세트에 세트 효과 있음.신념의 허리띠 (1)신념의 팔보호구 (1)신념의 관 (1)신념의 장갑 (1)신념의 다리보호구 (1)신념의 로브 (1)신념의 덧신 (1)신념의 어깨보호대 (1)신념의 반지 (1)

세트 보너스

이 종류의 방어구를 더 많이 착용할수록 캐릭터에게 이득이 되는 세트 효과를 취할 수 있습니다.
  • 2종: 소생에 소비되는 마나가 12%만큼 감소합니다.

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  • 8종: 매 주문 시전 시 일정 확률로 현신이 발동하여 30 sec 동안 마나 회복 속도가 24만큼 증가합니다.


연관된 페이지들


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