시계토끼제니쌤 pdf - sigyetokkijenissaem pdf

안녕하세요 ! 개인적인 목표였던 토스 자격증 따는 걸 포스팅하고 나서 생각보다 많은 분들이 찾아와 주셨더라구요 ㅎㅁㅎ

먼저 제가 작성한 토스 레벨6 달성 후기 입니다


제가 성적을 올렸던 방법도 참고하시고, 유튜브에 많은 꿀팁들이 영상으로 있으니 공부하시기 전에 꼬옥 정독해보시는 걸 추천드릴게요 !

그리고 제가 공유해드릴 템플릿은 유튜브에 있는 여러 영상들, 제가 배웠던 문장들을 제가 쓰기 쉬운 형태로 변환하거나, 또는 제가 자주 쓸 문장들을 가져와 정리한 거라서 제가 공유한 문장들을 제외하고도 유튜브 채널에 올라와있는 영상들 보시는 걸 추천드려용 !!

추천드리는 유튜브 채널은


그리고 제가 유용하게 썼던 문장들 정리본입니다 ! ! !


토스 파트 2 표현 정리.pdf

파일 다운로드


토스 파트3 만능문장 정리본.pdf

파일 다운로드

정말 먼저 말씀드린 것처럼 선생님들 문장을 제가 알기 쉽게 정리한 게 다고, 파트 5 같은 경우에는 케일리 선생님 수업에서 배운 템플릿을 사용했기 때문에 따로 공유하진 않을게요 ! 이거 외에도 시계토끼 제니쌤의 만능문장들, 그리고 제이크 선생님 영상에 올라와 있는 표현들을 추가해서 외우시면 더 좋을 것 같아요 !

토스 성적도 개편 된다고 하고, 또 응시료도 인상된다는 이야기가 있어서 다들 급하게 시험 준비 많이 하실 것 같아요 ㅠㅠ

모두 성적 받고 싶은 대로 꼬옥 받으시면 좋겠어요 파이팅 !! 🧡

토스 모의고사 :: 함께 풀어봐요! (정답포함)

시계토끼 제니쌤2021. 2. 7. 21:03

토익스피킹 모의고사를 들고 왔습니다

2021년 최신 모의고사는 다음주 업로드 예정이니 기대 해주세요!

문제를 먼저 풀어보시고 해설 참고 해주세요!

시계토끼 토스 모의고사 part 1 정답 음원

This is a picture taken in a city. The first thing I can see from this picture is a lot of people crossing the street. Some of them are carrying their bags. Most of them are wearing casual clothes. On the right side of the picture, I can see a car. Next to it, there is a sidewalk. In the background of the picture, I can see two big buildings and signboards. Also, I can see traffic lights. Overall, it seems like a busy day in a city.

Q4. Yes, I buy books when I visit book stores because I'm a student, so it's very necessary for me.

Q5 I would like to have another bookstore in my town because if we have more bookstores here, it would be more convenient and I like visiting book stores very much.

Q6 I think excellent facilities are the most important because it makes me satisfied, and I can have a great experience. The other day, I went to a book store. It had excellent facilities. I really liked it. It was awesome! Because it made me satisfied and I could have a pleasant experience. Therefore, I think this way.

Hi This is Rachel, an employee at Edmonton Department store. All the employees are supposed to attend the upcoming monthly meeting but I think I’ve lost my schedule. Can you answer a few questions for me?

Hello, this is 이름, returning your call. You are having a problem because many employees can’t sign up for the event because they don’t know how to access our website. I have some great ideas, so don’t worry at all. First, why don’t you give them a training manual. Then, employees will be able to learn about it. Also, I think you should make an announcement over the PA system about this. That way, you will be able to address this issue. I hope this will help you. If you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to call me back. Thank you.

I think teenagers should be able to work a part-time job and earn their allowances.

Let me explain why I think this way.

Most of all, teenagers can experience many things and broaden their perspective when they work a part time job.

From my experience, when I was a teenager, I used to work a part-time job. For me, it was very helpful because I experienced many things and broadened my perspective.

On top of that, teenagers can learn new things. According to a recent news report, the majority of education experts in Korea said that working a part-time job is beneficial for teenagers because they can learn new things when they work a part-time job.

Therefore, I think this way.


최신 우편물
