Riot Client 삭제 - Riot Client sagje

The Riot Games library of titles can be fun, and can sustain a gamer for weeks, months, or even years. Games like League of Legends, VALORANT, and Runeterra are constantly updated to stay fresh, provide a satisfying gameplay loop, and have a numerous reward paths that keep its most dedicated players satisfied.

But sometimes, enough is enough. As fun as these games can be, they can also be aggravating. Whether it’s because of the player base, your spare amount of hard drive space, or if you just want a break from it all, there may be a day where you need to purge everything Riot-related from your system.

If that day is today, then let us help. It’s okay. You’ll be free soon.

Before we go uninstalling the client, make sure the Riot Games on your computer are uninstalled first. You technically can still remove them even if the client is already gone, but it’s just easier to do so through the client while it’s still available.

Once that’s done, you should exit the client completely.

On Windows, open the start menu down at the bottom left of your taskbar. Type in “Riot” and right-click on the Riot Client application, then select Uninstall. Follow the steps as they appear, and the Riot Client will be taken off your computer. To put the final nail in the coffin, empty your Recycle Bin.

Additionally, you should open Program Files and go to the Riot Vanguard folder. In the folder, there’s an Uninstall Riot Vanguard application you can run to make sure Vanguard, VALORANT‘s anti-cheat program, was taken off during the Riot Client uninstall. If you never installed VALORANT to begin with, you don’t need to worry about this step.

If you ever want to come back, visit the main website for whichever game you want to play again; when you go to download, it should re-install the Riot Client.

Go to "C:\" (or the drive you installed it onto) and then in "C:\Riot Games\" delete the folder "/Riot Client/", This program is pretty much portable, that is why it is not listed in the "Programs" list on windows, and also why it is okay to just delete the folder, it will left almost no junk behind, except some registry, that programs like CCleaner can easily detect and delete for you (it will be few KB max). If you want to delete League or PBE Client, in "C:\Riot Games\" there are 2 more folders "/League of Legends/" and "/PBE/" that you should also delete, but if you PLAY those games and you delete the Riot Client, they will stop working!

So the best way would be either delete the whole folder "C:\Riot Games\" or nothing, if you want to only delete Valorant and keep playing League or something, KEEP the client. It is used by ALL Games made by Riot.

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

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갤러리 본문 영역

않이시발 롤 완전삭제 어케함 ????????? ㅡㅡ

(112.160) 2019.12.07 11:17:09

조회 38996 추천 10

SSD 용량이없어서 잠깐 지울랫는데

클라이언트만 딱지워지냐 ㅡㅡ

그래서 탐색기켜서 riot 검색해서 나오는거 다 지워도 3~400메가만 지워짐

뭔데..? ㅡㅡ

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