피아노 G7 코드 - piano G7 kodeu

Home » Piano Chords » Piano G7 Chord

G7 is a common 7th chord. Look at the image to see how to play G7 in the root position on piano. You should basically play the notes G (above middle C) B, D and F with the 1st, 2nd 3rd and 5th fingers.

The meaning of a chord in the root position is that the key note of the chord (G in our case) is placed as the lowest note of the chord.

The G7 chord functions mostly as a Dominant Chord for a C Major Chord. It means that this chord contains a lot of tension which needs to be solved to the Tonic which functions as the Release chord (home chord).

If you're not sure whether you got it right check out the musical intervals you created. The G7 chord is made out of a major third which defines it as a major chord, then two minor third on top of each other.

Another way to build the G7 chord quickly is by building a G Major chord and adding a minor third on top of the D note, or adding a whole tone under the key note (G) which will create a G7 chord in the 3rd inversion (All possible chord inversions are given below in this page).

Now let's invert G7 into all possible Chord Inversions (So the key note of the chord will appear in different places of the chord). The possible chord inversions are given in the image.

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So when we'll see the chord symble G7 above a bar it means we have to play a G7 chord.

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In order to be able to play all piano chords quickly you should first be familiar with the chords you absolutely, positively need to know. Then you should learn how to form chord inversions and place them in common chord progressions. If you're looking for a resource that will help you to learn all that you should definately check out the great "Secrets of Exciting Chords" 95 pages E-book that teaches these subjects effectively and in details.

The greatest thing about this E-book is that it has very clear pictures that show the exact fingering. It's handy to have the "Secrets of Exciting Chords" on your desktop and review it every so often or print the pages and bound them together at Staples to practice at your piano. Click here to check out the Power Piano Chords E-book Now!

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피아노 G7 코드 - piano G7 kodeu

피아노 G7 코드 - piano G7 kodeu

피아노 G7 코드 - piano G7 kodeu

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피아노 코드 G7

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