프랑켄슈타인 엘리자베스 - peulangkensyutain ellijabeseu

Elizabeth is Frankenstein’s adopted sister and his wife. She is also a mother-figure: when Frankenstein’s real mother is dying, she says that Elizabeth “must supply my place.” Elizabeth fills many roles in Frankenstein’s life, so when the Monster kills her, Frankenstein is deprived of almost every form of female companionship at once.

Some critics consider Elizabeth a vague, unrealistic character who is far less developed than the male characters in the novel. One reason Elizabeth may seem insubstantial is that Frankenstein, the narrator, doesn’t see her very clearly. When he does see her, it’s as a possession: “I[…]looked upon Elizabeth as mine.” Elizabeth dies because at a crucial moment Frankenstein overlooks her entirely. The Monster tells him “I will be with you on your wedding night” but it doesn’t occur to Frankenstein that the Monster is threatening Elizabeth.

프랑켄슈타인 엘리자베스 - peulangkensyutain ellijabeseu

프랑켄슈타인(Frankenstein)은 메리 셸리가 과학 실험에 의해 만들어진 한 괴물에 대해 쓴 소설이다. 첫 판은 1818년에 런던에 익명으로 출판되었다가 1823년에 프랑스에 그녀의 이름으로 두 번째 판이 출판되었다.


프랑켄슈타인은 편지 형식으로 쓰여진 액자 이야기이다. 로버트 월튼 대위와 그의 여동생 마가렛 월튼 사빌 사이의 허구적인 서신을 기록하고 있다. 이야기는 18세기에 일어난다. 로버트 월튼은 실패한 작가로, 과학 지식을 넓히고자 북극 탐험에 나선다. 항해 중 승무원들은 거대한 인물이 운전하는 개 썰매를 발견한다. 몇 시간 후, 승무원들은 빅터 프랑켄슈타인이라는 거의 얼어붙고 수척한 남자를 구출한다. 프랑켄슈타인은 월튼의 선원들이 관찰한 거대한 남자를 추적해왔다. 프랑켄슈타인은 그의 노력에서 회복되기 시작한다; 그는 월튼에서 자신을 파괴한 것과 같은 강박관념을 보고 경고로 월튼에게 자신의 삶의 비참한 이야기를 되뇌어 본다. 재조명된 이야기는 프랑켄슈타인의 이야기의 틀 역할을 한다.

빅터는 그의 어린 시절을 이야기하는 것으로 시작한다. 이탈리아 나폴리에서 부유한 제네반 집안에서 태어난 빅토르와 그의 동생 어니스트와 윌리엄은 알퐁스 프랑켄슈타인과 전 캐롤라인 보퍼트의 아들이다. 어려서부터 빅터는 세상을 이해하고자 하는 욕구가 강했다. 그는 연금술사 이론을 연구하는 데 집착하지만 나이가 들면 그러한 이론이 상당히 시대에 뒤떨어진다는 것을 깨닫는다. 빅토르가 5살이 되었을 때, 그의 부모는 수용된 이탈리아 귀족의 고아가 된 딸 엘리자베스 라벤자를 입양하고, 이후 빅토르는 결혼한다. 빅터의 부모는 나중에 윌리엄의 유모가 되는 또 다른 아이 저스틴 모리츠를 데려간다.

그가 독일 잉골슈타트 대학교로 떠나기 몇 주 전, 그의 어머니는 성홍열로 죽는다; 빅토르는 슬픔을 다루기 위한 실험에 몰두한다. 대학에서, 그는 화학과 다른 과학에 뛰어났고, 곧 무생물에 생명을 전할 수 있는 비밀 기술을 개발했다. 그는 휴머노이드 제작을 맡지만, 인간의 미세한 부분을 복제하는 것이 어렵기 때문에 빅터는 이 생명체를 약 2.4m의 높이에 비례하여 크게 만든다. 빅터가 아름다운 모습을 선택했음에도 불구하고, 애니메이션과 동시에 크리쳐는 물기가 많은 하얀 눈과 그 밑의 근육과 혈관을 거의 가릴 수 없는 노란 피부를 가진 흉측한 모습을 하고 있다. 그의 일에 거부감을 느낀 빅터는 달아난다. 다음날 거리를 배회하던 그는 소꿉친구 헨리 클레르발을 만나 괴물을 보게 될 헨리의 반응을 두려워하며 헨리를 아파트로 데려간다. 하지만, 빅터가 실험실로 돌아왔을 때, 그 생명체는 사라졌다.

빅터는 그 경험으로 병이 들지만 헨리의 간호로 건강을 되찾는다. 4개월 만에 회복된 그는 아버지로부터 형 윌리엄의 살해를 알리는 편지를 받는다. 제네바에 도착한 빅터는 범죄 현장 근처에 있는 생명체를 보고 자신의 창조물이 자신의 소행이라고 확신하게 된다. 윌리엄의 유모인 저스틴 모리츠는 윌리엄의 주머니에서 캐롤라인의 미니어처 초상화가 담긴 로켓이 발견돼 유죄 판결을 받는다. 빅터는 그가 저스틴의 이름을 밝히려고 하면 아무도 그를 믿지 않을 것이라는 것을 알고 있었고, 결국 그녀는 교수형에 처해졌다. 비탄과 죄책감에 사로잡힌 빅터는 산으로 물러난다. 몽블랑산의 메르 드 글라스를 타고 올라가던 중 갑자기 빅터에게 그의 이야기를 들려달라고 간청하는 프랑켄슈타인이 그에게 다가온다...

이름의 기원[편집]

프랑켄슈타인은 원래 과학자의 이름이었고, 작품에서 괴물은 프랑켄슈타인이 아닌 그저 '괴물'로 불렸다. 그러나 시간이 지날수록 사람들은 프랑켄슈타인을 괴물이름으로 받아들였고, 지금은 프랑켄슈타인하면 괴물이 먼저 떠오르게 된다.


책이 유명한만큼 영화로도 제작되었다.

•프랑켄슈타인(1910년 영화)

•프랑켄슈타인(1931년 영화)

•프랑켄슈타인(1994년 영화)


영화 말고도 뮤지컬로도 제작이 되었다.


같이 보기[편집]

  • 뇌 난쟁이 (호모큘러스)
  • 골렘

외부 링크[편집]

  • (영어) Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley Chronology & Resource Site
  • (영어) "On Frankenstein", review by Percy Bysshe Shelley.
  • (영어) "13 Ways of Looking at Frankenstein", slideshow by Life magazine
  • (영어) "My Hideous Progeny: Mary Shelley's Frankenstein"

Elizabeth Lavenza
Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus character
프랑켄슈타인 엘리자베스 - peulangkensyutain ellijabeseu

Victor departs from Elizabeth to study in Ingolstadt. Engraving by Theodor von Holst for the 1831 edition.

Created byMary Shelley
Portrayed byMary Fuller
Mae Clarke
Valerie Hobson
Hazel Court
Madeline Kahn
Helena Bonham Carter
Naomie Harris
Brendan Bradley
Nicole Lewis
In-universe information
SpouseVictor Frankenstein
NationalityGerman and Italian

Elizabeth Frankenstein (née Lavenza) is a fictional character first introduced in Mary Shelley's 1818 novel Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus. In both the novel and its various film adaptations, she is the fiancée of Victor Frankenstein.

Role in the novel[edit]

Born in Italy, Elizabeth Lavenza was adopted by Victor's family. In the first edition (1818), she is the daughter of Victor's aunt and her Italian husband. After her mother's death, Elizabeth's father—intending to remarry—writes to Victor's father and asks if he and his wife would like to adopt the child and spare her being raised by a stepmother (as Mary Shelley had unhappily been). In the original novel, then, Victor and Elizabeth are cousins. In the revised third edition (1831), Victor's parents, during a stay on Lake Como, find Elizabeth being raised by a foster family after her German mother's death and the disappearance of her Italian father. Thus, in the revised edition she is unrelated to Victor, who still describes her as "my more than sister." Victor describes her as his perfect woman: young, beautiful, and completely devoted to him. Elizabeth continually writes letters to Victor, encouraging him and acting as a positive force against his guilt at creating the monster.

After the monster begs Victor to create a mate for him and he agrees, he is furious when Victor destroys it before completion and vows, "I will be with you on your wedding-night." This grim foreboding turns out to be true; on the day of Elizabeth's marriage to Victor, the monster breaks into the bridal suite and strangles her. Her death is significant because it gives Victor a unique understanding of his creation; he now knows what it feels like to be completely alone in the world, with nothing to live for but revenge.

Role in the Universal films[edit]

In James Whale's 1931 film adaptation of the novel, Elizabeth is Henry Frankenstein's fiancée, and has no familial relation to him.

She worries when Henry secludes himself in his laboratory and refuses to see anyone, and begs his mentor, Professor Waldman, to talk some sense into him. After his experiments get out of control, Henry departs the laboratory and returns home to his ancestral village. The monster runs loose on the day of the wedding, and Henry tells Elizabeth to stay in one of the rooms. The monster climbs through the window and frightens her so badly that she faints. She is last seen by Henry's bedside as he recovers from his climactic battle with the monster.

In Bride of Frankenstein, Elizabeth and Henry are married. She is kidnapped by the monster as a means of making Henry agree to create the Monster a mate. When the monster decides to destroy Frankenstein Castle with himself, his bride and the evil Septimus Pretorious inside, he allows Henry and Elizabeth to leave. The couple are last seen holding each other as the castle burns down.

Role in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein[edit]

Elizabeth (Helena Bonham-Carter) plays the same role in the 1994 film Mary Shelley's Frankenstein as she does in the novel, save one significant alteration. After Elizabeth is murdered by the monster (Robert De Niro), a distraught Victor (Kenneth Branagh) reanimates her as an undead being. Soon after Elizabeth resurrects, the monster arrives and tries to woo her for himself. As Victor and his creation begin to fight over her, Elizabeth realizes what she has become and screams in agony. Spurning both suitors, she commits suicide by setting herself on fire with a Kerosene lamp.

Role in Young Frankenstein[edit]

In Mel Brooks' 1974 film Young Frankenstein, Elizabeth (Madeline Kahn) is a tightly wound socialite who is engaged to Dr. Frederick Frankenstein (Gene Wilder). When Frederick inherits his great-grandfather's estate in Transylvania, Elizabeth sees him off at the train station. Although Frederick tries to be affectionate, Elizabeth recoils from physical touching out of fear that it might smear lipstick, wrinkle her dress, or mess up her hair.

She arrives in Transylvania for a visit shortly after Frederick's monster (Peter Boyle) escapes from prison.

After Elizabeth is shown to her room, Frederick tries to convince her to sleep with him. Elizabeth teasingly pretends to agree before insisting on waiting until their wedding night. Extremely frustrated, Frederick leaves the room followed by a string of condescending endearments from Elizabeth.

As Elizabeth prepares for bed, the monster enters her bedroom window and kidnaps her. When they are alone in the forest, Elizabeth is horrified to learn that the monster wants sex. Elizabeth first offers some typical dating excuses, but then she sees the monster's enormous "Schwanstücker". Elizabeth gasps, "Oh, my God! WOOF!" She gleefully has consensual sex with the monster - over and over again.

When Frederick plays the violin to summon his creation back to the castle, Elizabeth is devastated when the monster leaves her side.

She screams, "Where are you going? Oh, you men are all alike. Seven or eight quick ones and you're off with the boys to boast and brag. You'd better keep your mouth shut! Oh, I think I love him."[1]

After an operation to stabilize the monster's brain, Elizabeth marries Frederick's now erudite and sophisticated creation. She is last seen with her hair styled just like the female monster from The Bride of Frankenstein.

Role in Frankenstein (2015)[edit]

In the 2015 adaptation, Elizabeth is played by Carrie-Anne Moss and has a pretty different role. She is played as Victor's wife and helps him to create the monster (here named Adam), serving as a mother figure for him. When Adam is caught and taken to a police delegacy, he gives the police officers Elizabeth's ID badge and calls her "mother", so they call her, but she says she doesn't know Adam, abandoning him.

At the ending, Adam finds his creators house, where he attacks Victor, but Elizabeth calms him down and tells him the truth about his origins. Victor makes his creation sleep and tries to kill him, so she tries to save him, but he accidentally kills his wife and runs away. When Adam is awake, he puts his mother's dead body and himself on fire as he cries "I am Adam!".


Elizabeth Lavenza was portrayed by Mae Clarke in Frankenstein, by Valerie Hobson in The Bride of Frankenstein, by Hazel Court in The Curse of Frankenstein, by Helena Bonham Carter in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, by Nicole Lewis in the Hallmark miniseries based on Shelley's novel, and by Lacey Turner in Frankenstein's Wedding. Elizabeth is recreated as Eli in the Pemberley Digital web series Frankenstein, M.D.. Elizabeth is portrayed by Katie Weston in Frankenstein: The Musical. Elizabeth was portrayed on stage by Naomie Harris in Danny Boyle's 2011 production of Nick Dear's stage play adaptation of Shelley's novel.

See also[edit]

  • Universal Monsters
  • Mae Clarke
  • Colin Clive
  • Boris Karloff
  • Brona Croft


  1. ^ FELD, ROB (Winter 2009). "Screening Room - Sexy Beast". DGA Quarterly Magazine. DGA. Retrieved 29 May 2021. David O. Russell marvels at the manic energy, impeccable musical timing and lust Mel Brooks brought to his reworking of a classic horror tale in Young Frankenstein. Russell says. "I love this next speech Kahn gives as the monster is entranced by the violin music Wilder is playing for him and starts to leave. She gets all insecure: 'Where are you going? Oh, you men are all alike. Seven or eight quick ones and you're off with the boys to boast and brag. You'd better keep your mouth shut! Oh, I think I love him.' "That little speech is flawless," concludes Russell. "It goes through five ranges, and Kahn plays all the notes. 'You'd better keep your mouth shut to I think I love him.' It hits all those notes in rapid succession, turning sharply. It makes perfect sense that Brooks' movies became hit musicals because he's so musical in his rhythm and sensibility. That speech, in a nutshell, is the essence of Mel Brooks."

  • Elizabeth Lavenza at IMDb
  • Elizabeth Lavenza at Rotten Tomatoes