렛츠고 아일랜드 PC - lescheugo aillaendeu PC

Let's Go Island (3D) (Sega RingEdge)

Runs fine on TeknoParrot (Window$ 10 1803 April 2018)

I can get it to run on a NVIDIA GT740 (2GB), but not on a AMD 6780 (1 GB).

But I recommend to use it in conjunction with GameLoader All RH (

The normal version of Let's go island does not run correctly on any version of TeknoParrot.

Solution for the non 3D version of Let's Go Island:

Edit /Game Folder/data/Fraw/fwDataDB/fwDataDB_Application.txt

EXAMPLE: 1360/768 = change by what you want 
int, WindowWidth ,,, 1360 
int, WindowHeight ,,, 768 
int, RenderWidth ,,, 1360 
int, RenderHeight ,,, 768 
int, FrontendWidth ,,, 1024 
int, FrontendHeight ,,, 600 

(this is internal resolution leave as is)

Here the link to the file to remove the 3D logo at the top left corner.

Start, is start on joystick or 1 on keyboard, continue is right mouse button.

Thanks @7zxkv

Here are the settings I used in GameLoader All RH ( and TeknoParrot

Warning about "virus" ? (before version

Edit the file TTX.ini in C:\Users\"Your User Name"\ AppData\Roaming\Game Loader All RH\

And change

Warning = Agree

Seeing green version number of GameLoader All RH at bottom of screen ?

Edit the file setting.ini in C:\Users\"Your User Name"\AppData\Roaming\Game Loader All RH

and change:

[FileVersion] Show=0

Notice, some pages are settings for DInput of for XInput

(For older versions of Teknoparrot and Gameloader)


1 on keyboard is start player 1, Auto reload, left mouse button is shoot 

Teknoparrot settings.


GameLoader 333 settings.


Works fine for me , just tested it a moment ago.

You can edit the resolution in file app.ini

Executable file is LGI_RingW_F_safe.exe (normal version)

Executable file is LGI.exe (3D version)

TeknoParrot still shows the Window$ mouse cursor ?

You can use GameLoader All RH ( in conjunction with TeknoParrot ( to suppress the Window$ mouse cursor.

"Update rate mouse cursor hide", enable and set to 0.



I hope that this tutorial helps other people out.

It takes you a few moments to read, but it took me all night to figure it out.

When you get the game working, thanks to this "manual", please give a thanks at this post.

And a BIG thanks for the people who originally uploaded the games, we all can enjoy (if you do it right) !!!

And of course all the people involved in, the game loaders and JVS I/O emulation applications we use, and all the people I "forgot".

Also look at the posts below, some members / people add helpful information, thank them also .....

Modifié le 19 avril 2019 par linglang
Title, loader versions updated, proof read. added executable file

Files Required

  • RConfig
    • \Misc\Let's Go Island\sv\
      • E2PROM.bin
      • SRAM.bin
    • RConfig.exe
    • Ring_IO.dll
    • ring_loader.exe

RConfig Setup

Main Window

Only the "Direct3D9 Wrapper" may have an impact on the running process of the games. Other options can be tweaked at will.

  • Direct3D9 Wrapper: Optional

Settings Window

"Save Patch" shouldn't be disabled unless specified.

  • Mouse Active DInput: On/Off
  • Sensitivity: 0 (more sensitive) to 4 (less sensitive). To play with Lightguns set at 4.
  • Mouse On Player2: On/Off
  • Disable Mouse cursor: On/Off
  • Free Play: On/Off
  • Test Mode: On/Off
  • Resolution: 1024x600

Special Setup

Custom Resolution

This game runs on resolution of 1024x600 (WSVGA). You may have to create this through the "custom resolution" option of your video card.

  • Nvidia Control Panel:
    • Go to "Display" > "Change resolution" > Check if 1024x600 doesn't already exists in the list;
    • If 1024x600 isn't listed, click on "Customise";
    • Check "Enable resolutions not exposed by the display" then click on "Create Custom Resolution...";
    • Set "Horizontal pixels" to 1024 and "Vertical lines" to 600 then click on "Test";
    • If the test is OK, save the custom resolution.
  • AMD Radeon Settings:
    • Go to "Display" then click on "+ Create" at the "Custom Resolutions" line;
    • Accept the disclaimer and set "Horizontal Resolution (px)" to 1024, "Vertical Resolution (px)" to 600 then click on "Save" at the upper right of the screen;
    • If the test is OK, the custom resolution will be saved.


If any game contains the gamename.exe.orig file, delete the other gamename.exe file and rename gamename.exe.orig to remove the "orig" extension.

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