정책연구 얼마나 과학적인가 윌다브스키의 관점을 중심으로


The purpose of this article is to examine the cause of policy non-compliance in the case of pharmaceutical rebates from the perspective of rational choice institutionalism. In Korea, there have been rebates practices between pharmaceutical companies and hospitals since the introduction of the Actual Remuneration System for insured medicine in 1999. The government has chosen the policy means of punishment to eliminate pharmaceutical rebates but the illegal practices are still widespread. Institution in rational choice institutionalism usually reflects the incentives and preferences of actors, and the Actual Remuneration System has resulted in a the lack of procedures to ensure savings on drug expenditures. Pharmaceutical rebates are the product of the institutions which reflect their incentives: the Actual Remuneration System, the current pricing policy for generic drugs, the drug distribution system, and so on. In the end, the problem of the rebates is the consequence of policy non-compliance as actors' rational choice because their incentives lead to opportunistic behaviors. We should therefore understand the incentive structure of policy stakeholders, which is derived from the view of new institutionalism; also, the newly designed Korean drug pricing policy reform must be compatible with the incentive structure.

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      정책연구 얼마나 과학적인가 윌다브스키의 관점을 중심으로

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번호참고문헌국회도서관 소장유무
1 이혁우, 「영국의 규제비용총량제가 한국의 규제개혁체계에 주는 시사점」, 전국경제인연합회, 2013. 미소장
2 危險問題의 特性과 戰略的 對應 소장
3 최병선, “정책연구, 얼마나 과학적인가? -윌다브스키의 관점을 중심으로-”, 「정책연구의 관점과 방법」, 법문사, 2007. 미소장
4 Reclassifying Regulatory Instruments and Options 소장
5 규제(및 규제완화)의 원인과 경제사회 효과
정책연구 얼마나 과학적인가 윌다브스키의 관점을 중심으로
6 불확실성하에서의 정부의 규제정책결정의 한계
정책연구 얼마나 과학적인가 윌다브스키의 관점을 중심으로
7 Bardach, Eugene. The Implementation Game: What Happens After a Bill Becomes a Law, The MIT Press, Cambridge: Mass., 1980. 미소장
8 Bardach, Eugene and Kagan, Robert A. Going by the Book, Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick, 1982 미소장
9 Braybrook, David and Lindblom, Charles E. A Strategy of Decision, The Free Press, New York, 1963 미소장
10 Diver, Colin S. “A Theory of Regulatory Enforcement”, Public Policy, Vol. 28 No.3 (Summer), 1980. 미소장
11 Hawkins, Keith and Thomas, John M. (eds.) Enforcing Regulation, Kluwer·Nijh Publishing, Boston, 1984. 미소장
12 Standard Setting with Incomplete Enforcement Revisited
정책연구 얼마나 과학적인가 윌다브스키의 관점을 중심으로
13 Kagan, Robert A. Regulatory Justice, Rusell Sage Foundation, New York, 1978. 미소장
14 Enforcement Costs and the Choice of Policy Instruments for Controlling Pollution
정책연구 얼마나 과학적인가 윌다브스키의 관점을 중심으로
15 Enforcement Costs in Environmental and Safety Regulation
정책연구 얼마나 과학적인가 윌다브스키의 관점을 중심으로
16 The Economic Theory of Public Enforcement of Law
정책연구 얼마나 과학적인가 윌다브스키의 관점을 중심으로
17 Veljanovski, Cento G. “The Economics of Regulatory Enforcement”, in Keith Hawkins and John M. Thomas (eds.), Enforcing Regulation, Kluwer Nijh Publishing, 1984. 미소장
18 Wildavsky, Aaron. Speaking Truth to Power: The Art and Craft of Policy Analysis, Transactions Publishing Co., New Brunswick, 1979. 미소장
19 Wildavsky, Aaron., Craftways: On the Organization of Scholarly Work, 2nd enlarged ed., Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick, 1993. 미소장
20 Cooperative Regulatory Enforcement and the Politics of Administrative Effectiveness
정책연구 얼마나 과학적인가 윌다브스키의 관점을 중심으로
21 Viscusi, Kip and Zeckhauser, Richard J. “Optimal Standards with Incomplete Enforcement”, Public Policy, Vol. 27, No. 4 (Fall) 1979. 미소장
22 Structural Bias in Regulatory Law Enforcement: The Case of the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
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