Hadium flake 어디 - hadium flake eodi

Shards of a reactive metal that stores whatever energy it is exposed to.

― In-game description

A Hadium Flake is a material introduced in The Taken King. Hadium Flakes can be used to purchase Moldering Shards from Eris Morn, unlock upgrades on Touch of Malice, or obtain a sword during the quest A Broken Will. They can be obtained randomly from loot chests on the Dreadnaught.


From Destinypedia, the Destiny wiki

Hadium Flake
Hadium flake 어디 - hadium flake eodi



Stack limit:


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Loot drop:




Chest in Location
Bounties for Location

"Shards of a reactive metal that stores whatever energy it is exposed to."— In-game description

Hadium Flakes are a material found in chests in the Dreadnaught.


  • Twenty-five Hadium flakes for Lord Shaxx in order for Guardians to create their first sword.
  • Fifty flakes for Eris Morn to make Touch of Malice.
  • Fifteen can also be used to donate to Eris Morn to get 50 Crota's Bane reputation.
  • One Flake and 250 Glimmer can be traded to the Crucible Quartermaster in the tower for Heavy Ammo Synthesis.

List of appearances[edit]

  • Destiny
    • The Taken King (First appearance)


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Combat supplies

Ammo Synthesis • Heavy Ammo Synthesis • Heavy Telemetry • Primary Telemetry • Special Ammo Synthesis • Special Telemetry

Enemy drops

Axiomatic Beads • Black Wax Idol • Blue Polyphage • Ether Seeds • House Banners • Network Keys • Impact Shard • Olympus Tear • Pumice Thread • Resupply Codes • Sensor Mite • Silken Codex • Skyburners Command Beacon • Skyburners Deployment Codes • Skyburners Security Pass • Wormfeeder Rune • Wormsinger Rune

Utility items

Agonarch Rune • Boon of Osiris • SIVA Offering • Enhanced SIVA Offering • Favor of Osiris • Flight of Shadows • Fused SIVA Offering • Infusion of Light • Isenfyre Token • Key of Akka • Key of Eir • Key of Gnashing Teeth • Key of Maggots • Key of the Spawn • Key of Ur • Key of Wyrding • Key of Xol • Key of Yuul • Mercy of Osiris • Perfected SIVA Offering • Royal Amethyst • Skeleton Key • Spark of Light • Splicer Key • Splicer Intel Relay • SIVA Cache Key • Three of Coins • Treasure Key


Dawning Fortune • Emerald Coil • Flight of Shadows • Jackolyte • Plasma Drive • Stealth Drive • Void Drive

Mystery bags

Radiant Treasure • Sterling Treasure • Treasure of Ages

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Salvaged materials

Armor Materials (Hadronic Essence • Sapphire Wire • Plasteel Plating) • Weapon Parts • Red Legion Supplies

Planetary materials

Hadium Flake • Helium Filaments (Soliton Flare) • Moldering Shard • Relic Iron (Relic Crystal) • Spinmetal (Zeptocyte Core) • Spirit Bloom • Wormspore

Rare rrafting materials

Ascendant Energy • Ascendant Shard • Crux of Crota • Embalming Orb • Etheric Light • Exotic Shard • Glass Needles • Radiant Energy • Radiant Shard • Runed Core

Summoning runes

Antiquated Rune • Reciprocal Rune • Stolen Rune


Glimmer • Legendary Marks • Silver • Silver Dust

Redeemable items

Engram • Mote of Light • Strange Coin • Crucible Commendation • Vanguard Commendation
Armor Core • Weapon Core • Token of Flight • Token of Identity • Token of Judgment • Passage Coin • Royal Amethyst

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The Hive


Thrall (Cursed Thrall) • Acolyte (Adherent, Lightbearer Acolyte) • Knight (Vanquisher, Darkblade, Lightbearer Knight) • Wizard (Lightbearer Wizard) • Ogre • Projection of Savathûn • Lucent Moth

Hive sects

Blood of Oryx • Cult of the Worm • Grasp of Nokris • Hidden Swarm • Savathûn's Brood • The Silent Brood • Spawn of Crota • Venom of Oryx • Wrathborn • Xivu Arath's Horde • Lucent Brood


Acolyte Grenade • Shredder • Boomer • Cleaver • Soulfire Rifle • Splinter • Shrieker • Vestige • Hive Shield • Hive Trap


Annihilator Totem • Ascendant Portal • Cryptoglyph • Cryptolith • Deathsong • Oversoul


Tombship • Seeder Ship • Hive warship • Dreadnaught • Karve Scoutship


Ascendant Realm (Oversoul Throne, Dreaming City, Dreadnaught, Eleusinia, Court of Savathûn) • Earth (Skywatch) • Mars (Hellas Basin) • Moon (Hellmouth, Scarlet Keep) • Reef (Tangled Shore, Prison of Elders, Dreaming City) • Titan (New Pacific Arcology)


Ascendant Hive • Deathsinger • God-King • Shrine of Oryx • Soul of Crota • Taken • Sword Logic • Worm


Agonarch Rune • Antiquated Rune • Black Wax Idol • Charged Agonarch Rune • Embalming Orb • Hadium Flakes • Key of Akka • Key of Eir • Key of Gnashing Teeth • Key of Maggots • Key of the Spawn • Key of Ur • Key of Wyrding • Key of Xol • Key of Yuul • Moldering Shard • Reciprocal Rune • Silken Codex • Stolen Rune • Tomb Husk • Wormfeeder Rune • Wormsinger Rune • Wormspore