다잉라이트 스파이크 - dainglaiteu seupaikeu

Rudolph, nicknamed Spike, is a character featured in Dying Light and Dying Light 2 Stay Human.


Early life

During an encounter with Haluk, a former hotelier and survivor at the Tower, he reveals that Spike is 49 years old and worked as a professor at the University of Southern California. He went on sabbatical leave following an "incident" with a young co-ed, which her parents claimed was an affair; accusations Spike denies. Haluk also reveals his real name to be Rudolph.

Events of Dying Light

He is the leader of a group of survivors tasked with protecting the mobile laboratory and research of Dr. Imran Zere, a scientist searching for a potential cure to the virus. They have secured themselves within the courtyard immediately south of the Tower. He is also responsible for setting up traps and safe zones within the Slums.

During the main story quest First Assignment, Kyle Crane is sent to assist Spike in arming a series of traps along a route which Harris Brecken and a group of runners will follow while returning with an airdrop. However, Crane is interrupted when the Tower loses contact with one of its runners and he is sent to investigate, securing a safe zone in the process. Spike then contacts Kyle and asks him to arm some UV light traps near the warehouses, but this causes the district to lose power. Spike directs Crane to a nearby power substation where he is able to reboot the power. As night is falling, Spike urges Crane to return to safety.

When Kyle next speaks to Spike, he will thank him for his help and reward him with a UV Flashlight as well as a remote which can activate the light traps he has set up. From this point on, he offers his services as a quartermaster.

After Crane and Jade Aldemir investigate the bandit activity at Harran Public School, Spike radios him to inform Kyle he has temporarily relocated to the Ferry Harbor, where he is working alongside Morgan. However, during the quest The Pit, the courtyard is attacked by Kadir "Rais" Suleiman and his gang; Dr. Zere is kidnapped and many of the guards are killed. Spike remains with the Ferry Harbor until Crane travels to Old Town.

Following Kyle's departure from the Slums in The Saviors, Spike eventually follows him and seeks refuge with the survivors residing within Harran University. After reaching Old Town if you fast travel back to the tower you can find Spike also there as a quartermaster, he is located near the workshop in first floor.

it is unknown exactly what happened to Spike after the events of Dying Light: The Following. However, He is later seen 15 years after, in the events of Dying Light 2 Stay Human.

Events of Dying Light 2 Stay Human

Spike appears first in the introduction as fellow Pilgrim and friend of the main character, Aiden Caldwell. By 2036, it had been approximately two years since the two had last seen each other,[1] with Spike expressing that it was incredible how long Aiden had survived as a Pilgrim.[2] Spike was pivotal in providing Aiden with information on how to contact Dylan to aid Aiden's search for Mia.

In the game’s ending(s), Spike arrives in Villedor and meets with a bartender named Nikolas, which he delivers a package from Banes either for Jack Matt, Frank Marwey, or Juan Rainer, but Nikolas either breaks the news that Jack is dead, Frank is dead (if he was killed), or Juan is held up tight to prevent himself from being attacked in a mutiny. Spike then asks if any of his people came through, in which Nikolas mentions Aiden, telling him that Aiden has left the city, citing that Aiden was taking a drug that was destroying him, therefore, is destined to a life on the road.



"Just what I need: More unskilled labor."

Spike appears standoffish when Crane first meets him, regarding him as just another worker. He later becomes friendlier, and regards Crane as a friend and fondly remembers him 20 years later.


Show: First Assignment

Crane: "Spike? I'm Crane."
Spike: "Just what I need. More unskilled labor. All right, shut up and pay attention: there are two types of airdrops. One has food, first aid supplies, survival gear and such. The other kind is filled with Antizin. The GRE sends in a one-way video feed that lets us know when they're on the way. Look, the trouble is, the airdrops with Antizin keep getting raided by Rais's thugs. And without Antizin we are basically screwed. Rais and his boys only operate during the day, because going out after dark is a dandy way to get killed. But the next two Antizin drops are coming down right at sunset tonight, and Brecken means to go after them. This may be our only chance to reach the airdrop."
Crane: "What's my part here?"
Spike: "Well, as I said, going out at night is basically suicide... or it would be, if I hadn't been setting up safe zones and traps out there for weeks now. Which I have. Brecken and his team will be okay tonight-so long as you get out there now and arm those traps. THAT'S your part."
Crane: "All right, what are these traps, and how do I arm them?"
Spike: "You'll see. I'll be talking you through it. Just remember... without these traps, Brecken won't survive the night. And if he doesn't come back with Antizin, we are lost. Before you head out there, grab some firecrackers. Made them myself. They make a fine distraction if you get in trouble."

After speaking to the GRE:

Crane: "Jade? It's done."
Jade: "Good. We'll need to prepare more places like that one. We've got more spots picked out for future safe zones. Spike will mark them on your map later. And... Crane? Thank you... Back to you, Spike!"
Spike: "Right now you need to get back to our main task and arm the next trap. There's another car close by."
Crane: "Got it."

After nearing the car trap:

Crane: "The Infected're all over the street."
Spike: "So what does that tell you? Keep off the street! Try to stay on the rooftops where they can't reach you."
Crane: "They're all around the car, Spike."
Spike: "You still have some firecrackers, don't you? Just throw some into the crowd. Those dead bastards are easily distracted."

After finishing the car traps:

Crane: "All done with the car, Spike."
Spike: "Keep on like that and you might just make it. The next trap's close by. And I shouldn't have to tell you, but: don't get caught out in the open!"
Crane: "Spike, these freaks are everywhere. If I need to use a trap, how do I activate it?"
Spike: "You can't. I told you, they're only for the night mission."
Crane: "Shit. Okay."

Upon approaching the first light trap:

Crane: "Quite a contraption you got here."
Spike: "Three times brighter than an ordinary street lamp. Gives the Infected quite the sunburn."

After activating the light traps:

Crane: "Okay, lights are all set."
Spike: "You're ready for the next one, then. Better hurry."

After activating the fourth light trap:

Crane: "Fuck. Spike, the whole goddamn district went down. What the hell's going on?!"
Spike: "Ugh... not again... All right, listen. There's a power substation near you. Go check it out."

After turning the power back online:

Crane: "All right, I've got the substation reset. But if the grid shorted out once, you know it could happen again, right?"
Spike: "You leave the electrical engineering to me, okay? Just get your ass to a safe zone. You're gonna have to spend the night there."

After having spent the night:

Spike: "Crane, you awake? Something bad happened. We need to talk."
Crane: "Okay, give me a sec."

Upon returning to Spike:

Spike: "Crane, first of all... you did great out there! From now on, if you need something, come see me. And to start with... Here's a UV flashlight and a remote control. You run up on a volatile, give him a face full of UV or lead him into a trap, which you trigger with the remote. Got it?"
Crane: "Got it."
Spike: "Perfect. Now for the bad news: despite your efforts, Brecken's mission failed."
Crane: "Shit... is he okay?"
Spike: "He's alive. But you need to get back to the Tower. Jade called all the Scouts in, and that means you."

Show: Pact with Rais

Spike: "Hey! Crane! If you've got a second, I want to patch you through to somebody who really wants to talk to you."
Crane: "Huh? Who?"
Troy: "Is this Kyle Crane?"
Crane: "... Who wants to know?"
Troy: "My name is Troy. I lead a small group of survivors over in Sector 0. We call ourselves the Embers. Sector 0 is completely sealed off. Mr. Crane, until you restored radio communication, we didn't know if anyone else in the city was still alive. I just wanted to let you know how grateful we are. You've given us a small measure of hope."
Crane: "Uh... well... I'm happy to help."
Troy: "If there's ever any way we can help YOU, Mr. Crane, please don't hesitate to ask."

Show: Siblings

Spike: "Crane, you there?"
Crane: "What's up, Spike?"
Spike: "Just FYI... If you need me, I'll be at the ferry station, helping Morgan prep the barge."

Show: Old Town

Spike: "Crane! Good to see you again!"
Crane: "Spike?! Holy shit! How'd you get here?"
Spike: "Wasn't easy. Anyway, Brecken sends his best. And listen, from now on you can always find me here, okay? Everything I had for you in the Slums, that'll all be here too, so feel free to use it."
Crane: "Yeah. Thanks, Spike."
Spike: "No problem, buddy. See you next time."


  • "OK, first - the car. Open the hood and connect the battery. That'll arm the trap." – During First Assignment
  • "Hey-this blackout has really put us in a tight spot. We're defenseless here, plus the safe zones and some of my traps are down, too. We need to get the power up and running ASAP." – During First Assignment


As of 2036, Spike is 69 years old, making him one of the oldest characters in the series.



  1. Spike: "Well, my time's up."
    Aiden Caldwell: "So when will I see you again, huh? In another two years?"
    Spike: "Maybe... Take care, man. I hope you find that Waltz guy. Or whoever you're looking for."
  2. Spike: "It's incredible."
    Aiden Caldwell: "What's incredible?"
    Spike: "Most Pilgrims don't last two, three years on the road. While you've been kicking around for what, four years now? And you're still alive."

Characters in Dying Light

Harris Brecken • Jade Aldemir • Kyle Crane • Lena • Omar • Rahim Aldemir • Spike • Savvy • Troy • Yusuf • Volcan


Kyle Crane • Amir Ghoreyshi

Rais' Gang

Rais • Tahir • Karim • Osman • Alexei • Kristov • Ryan • Asam • Hamdi • Ozan • Basaam • Nazim


Bento • Salim • Umar

Tower Survivors

Dawud • Salma • Sammy • Derek • Jared • Aman • Zafer • Timur • Mark • Blake • Bahir • Mesut • Brijesh • Chris • Omar • Haluk • Lee • Khaliq • Toygar • Buckshot • Alan • Hakan • Riza • Alfie • Ared • Kate • Beste • Naji • Deniz • Ayo • Sa'id

Courtyard Survivors

Zere • Derek • Maalik

Black Serpent Survivors

Aziz • Dhalia • Gerritsen

Jaffar's Wheelstation

Jaffar • Kurt • Zaid • Irwin

Fishermen's Village

Gursel • Ayla • Musa • Tom • Meliha • Aida • Yasmina • Jamil • Harun • Sibel • Sophia • Santiago • Tobias

Ferry Harbor

Morgan • Neil

Volkan's Group

Volkan • Tolga • Fatin

Hanson's Group

Roy Hanson • Seref

Erol's Group

Erol Asani • Edward • Saliha • Eren

The Saviors

Cenk • Hazan

The Embers

Michael • Savvy • Troy

University Survivors

Fidan • Mufid • Mort

Solitary Survivors

Gazi • Ahmet • Babar • Faruk • Nick • Abdullah • Albert • Bill • Bob • Damla • Ibrahim • Johann • Macary • Murat • Richie • Yilmaz • Shakur • Jeff

Other Survivors

Camden • Afra • Alya Bozkurt • Arka Sirin • Aruba Ozek • Ata Ocak • Bajram • Baris Buruk • Berkant Uzer • Bozak • Captain Halim • Cari Sener • Cemal Sabris • Colonel Taner • David • Direnc Remzi • Ekrem Bozkurt • Fadin • Felix • Filiz Asani • Frankie G. • Harika Bozkurt • Heinrich • Ihsan • Ishaq • Jasmine • Jeffrey • John • Jonathan Barto • Kadim • Kumi • Lea • Marvin Zucker • Mike • Noah • Olcan Ozek • Randall • Rashan • Robert Lansing • Rocket • Rupert • Samir Yasa • Seda • Spider • Tariq • Temel • Thabit Erdal • Tom Dooley • Victor • Zhanna


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