알리 익스프레스 open dispute - alli igseupeuleseu open dispute

전자부품을 구매하면서 한 스토어에서 18가지의 물품을 주문했다. 배송은 비교적 빨랐다. 20일 정도 밖에 걸리지 않았으니까 하지만 뜯어보니 제일 단가가 비싼 7000원 정도의 부품이 빠져있었다. 고의인지? 모르고 빠뜨렸는지 모르겠다. 상품의 갯수가 많다보니 포장에 오류가 있었을 수도 있는데 왜 하필 제일 비싼 제품이 빠져있었을까? 의심은 하고 싶지 않지만 열 받는다.

이런 경우 바로 Open Dispute (알리익스프레스가 판매자와 구매자를 중재하는 절차) 를 하지 말라고 인터넷 직구 선배들은 조언을 한다. 판매자와 직접 대화와 협상(?)을 통해 후속조치를 상담하면 바로 다시 물건을 보내주거나 Open Dispute 를 하지 않았다는 감사의 사은품이라도 하나 더 받을 수 있다는 것이다. 하지만 나는 그냥 바로 Open Dispute 를 걸어 버렸다. 

알리 익스프레스 open dispute - alli igseupeuleseu open dispute

Open Dispute 는 구매목록인 My Orders 화면에 들어가면 제품 옆에 링크가 달려 있다. 이것을 클릭해서 불만사항을 알리익스프레스에 알려 중재를 요청하면 된다.

알리 익스프레스 open dispute - alli igseupeuleseu open dispute

환불이냐? 반품이냐? 를 결정하는 항목이다. 나의 경우는 물건을 못 받았으니 환불이다. 기타 불량제품 등을 받았으면 반품을 할 수도 있을 것이다. 

알리 익스프레스 open dispute - alli igseupeuleseu open dispute

그리고 환불사유를 적으면 된다. 맨 밑에 환불의 사유(증거)가 되는 비디오나 사진을 업로드 할 수도 있다. 나 같은 경우 18가지 물품중에 17가지만 받았으므로 포장을 처음 뜯는 비디오(개봉샷)를 찍어 두었으면 도움이 되었을 것이다. 하지만 그런건 없다. 그냥 받자마자 뜯어버렸다. 그래서 아무것도 업로드 하지 못했다. 그냥 말로서 18개 중에 하나가 들어있지 않다. 1개 품목에 대해서 환불이나 재발송을 요구한다고 적었다. 물론 영어로 적어야 한다. 너무 완벽한 문장을 만들려고 노력하지말고 분명하게 뜻만 통하게 쓰면 된다. 

이 절차가 끝나면 Refund 또는 Return Goods Process 가 시작된다. 알리 본사가 판매자에게 니네 물건 안보냈다는데? 환불해줘! 하면 판매자가 아 그런가? 하고 환불이나 반품을 받아주는 시스템이다. 알리익스프레스 판매자들은 Open Dispute 를 좋아하지 않는다고 한다. 추측이지만 판매자 평가시스템이 있을텐데 거기에서 불이익을 받는 것 같다. 

알리 익스프레스 open dispute - alli igseupeuleseu open dispute

나 같은 경우 Open Dispute 를 제기하고 약 2일 만에 환불결정이 났다. Dispute Finished 라고 e메일로도 통보가 되고 판매자에게도 환불되었다고 따로 메시지가 왔다. 이제 실제로 해당 건에 대해서 카드결제를 취소 받으면 모든 상황은 끝나게 된다. 뭔가 Cool 하다.

알리 익스프레스 open dispute - alli igseupeuleseu open dispute

그리고 오늘 카드회사로부터 카드취소가 완료되었다는 문자가 왔다. 이로서 모든 환불절차가 완료 되었다. 물건을 받고 Open Dispute를 제기한지 딱 일주일만에 실제 환불까지 절차가 완료된 것이다.

다음에는 이런 일이 생기면 Open Dispute 보다는 판매자와 먼저 대화를 해 보는 것도 좋을 것 같다. 하지만 신속한 처리를 원한다면 Open Dispute 가 제일 좋은 방법같다. 그리고 웬만하면 알리에서 온 물품은 포장을 뜯을때 개봉샷을 남겨 놓는 것도 만약 물건에 하자가 있을 시 증명할 수 있는 괜찮은 방법이라고 생각한다.

Dropship and Logistics Specialist, the founder of Bestfulfill that help you with order fulfillment from product sourcing, shipping, branding, and customized package.

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6 Steps to Open a Dispute on AliExpress




To get a refund on a product you purchased on AliExpress, you need to open a dispute as per the policy. Assuming that your order arrived on time, you could dispute on AliExpress before the 15th day after delivery.

To open a dispute on AliExpress, you need to navigate to the “Order details” page of the order in question, as illustrated below. Get to know when, why, and how to open a dispute on AliExpress.

Table of Contents

  • How to Open a Dispute on AliExpress 
    • Step 1: Sign Into Your AliExpress Account 
    • Step 2: Open the Order You Would Like to Dispute
    • Step 3: Check the “Purchase Protection” Timer
    • Step 4: Open a Dispute on AliExpress 
    • Step 5: Fill in the Dispute Form 
      • a) Choose the Nature of Your Problem
      • b) Indicate the Claim Amount
      • c) Add Relevant Attachments
    • Step 5: The AliExpress Dispute Resolution Process
    • Step 6:  Respond to the Refund Proposal 
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs
    • Q: What are the Possible Reasons for Opening a Dispute on AliExpress? 
    • Q: When Can I Open a Dispute on AliExpress? 
    • Q:  What Tricks Can I Apply to Win a Dispute on AliExpress?
    • Q: When and How Will I Receive My Refund?

How to Open a Dispute on AliExpress 

First, you should contact your AliExpress supplier and try to resolve the problem. Some sellers on this platform are really good and will refund or replace the damaged product without the need for a dispute.

If the seller is unresponsive or is not willing to settle, you can go ahead and open a dispute on AliExpress. Here is how you should go about it:

Step 1: Sign Into Your AliExpress Account 

Launch your preferred Internet Browser on your personal computer(PC) and navigate to the AliExpress homepage. Click on the “Sign In” button—positioned on the top right corner of the homepage. Now enter your AliExpress login credentials (username/ email address and password)

Finally, click on the “Sign In” button to log into your AliExpress account.

Step 2: Open the Order You Would Like to Dispute


Having logged into your AliExpress account, hover the mouse pointer over your profile image—towards the top right corner of the screen. Now select the “My Orders” option from the drop-down menu that appears.

From the displayed list of orders, select the one associated with the item you would like to dispute.

6 Steps to Open a Dispute on AliExpress

Step 3: Check the “Purchase Protection” Timer

You may not know this, but you will not be able to open a dispute when the buyer protection time for the order runs out. Normally, the option to open a dispute becomes available on the 11th day after the order was shipped out.

For most AliExpress orders, the Purchase protection period extends to 15 days after the order was marked as received by the buyer. Before you open a dispute, check whether the Dispute option is available, based on the purchase protection timer.

From the order page you opened in step 2 above, click on the “View Details” button. This will open a new page with the purchase protection timer displayed. You can also view the order number, status, and important reminder. The reminder tells you when your purchase protection period will end.

Note: The time shown by the purchase protection timer is the Pacific Standard Time (PST), which may be different from your local time.

Step 4: Open a Dispute on AliExpress 

If the “Open Dispute” button on the “View Details” page is highlighted in blue, you can open a dispute. To do this, click on the blue “Open Dispute” button as illustrated below.

6 Steps to Open a Dispute on AliExpress

This will open a dispute foam that you are supposed to fill as explained in step 5 below.

Step 5: Fill in the Dispute Form 

All the fields on this form need to be filled with the appropriate information. While filling in the form, you should provide thorough details clearly and concisely. Here is how you should go about it:

a) Choose the Nature of Your Problem

The first screen requires you to give a reason for your dispute. You can do this by choosing the most appropriate option from the list of pre-determined claim reasons. The first question will be whether you received the items you ordered on AliExpress.

If you did not receive the goods within the estimated delivery period, select the “Refund Only” button then select “Full Refund” If you received the order, but have a problem with the received item—in line with the AliExpress buyer protection policy—click the “Return Goods” button on the first screen.

Next, click on the drop-down menu—just below the “Reason for refund request heading—and select the option that best describes your problem.

b) Indicate the Claim Amount

Next, indicate the amount you would like the AliExpress seller to refund in dollars. You can do this by filling in the box just beneath the “Refund amount” heading on your dispute form.

c) Add Relevant Attachments

The AliExpress dispute form allows you to add the relevant attachments to support your claim. Here, you are supposed to add pictures or a video that proves that the seller is at fault. For instance, it could be pictures showing how damaged the product is.

To upload a picture(s), click the “Browse” button—located just below the “Upload your evidence” heading. Next, open the storage folder where the picture(s) is saved on your computer. Now click on the picture to upload it to the AliExpress dispute form.

Note: you can only upload a video that is less than 200 MBs in size. As for the pictures, each should be less than 2 MBs.

Once you are done filling out the form, click on the orange “Submit” button.

6 Steps to Open a Dispute on AliExpress

Step 5: The AliExpress Dispute Resolution Process

Once you have submitted your dispute, the supplier will be allowed up to 15 days to respond. If the seller fails to respond within 15 days, the issue will be automatically escalated to the AliExpress Dispute Team.

After the team has reviewed the dispute, they will send you an email to inform you whether the dispute was resolved in your favor or that of the seller. If the seller responds, but you fail to reach an agreement, you can also escalate the issue from your end.

To do this, simply click the “Escalate Dispute” button. If you wish to modify the claim during the resolution period, log into your AliExpress account, open the order then click on the “Modify Dispute” button.

Step 6:  Respond to the Refund Proposal 

Upon reviewing your dispute, your seller or the AliExpress Dispute team—if the order had been escalated—will send you a refund proposal. If you are comfortable with the proposal, just accept it and wait for the refund.

In this case, the dispute will be closed and you won’t be able to make any changes or reopen the dispute again. If you do not find the proposal acceptable, reject it and probably upload extra evidence to support your claim.


While AliExpress is a great place to find dropshipping suppliers for your business, things don’t always go according to plan. With AliExpress Buyer Protection, rest assured that you are protected against loss should something go wrong.

If the ordered item does not arrive within the stipulated period, arrived damaged, or is different from the buyer’s description, you can claim a refund by opening a dispute. The above-described steps will help you accomplish just that.

Better still, you could order through a reputable drop shipping sourcing agent like BestFulfill to avoid unnecessary delays and frustrations.


Q: What are the Possible Reasons for Opening a Dispute on AliExpress? 

You are allowed to open a dispute if your seller violates any of the conditions covered by the Buyer Protection Policy. As such, you are eligible for a refund if:

6 Steps to Open a Dispute on AliExpress

Q: When Can I Open a Dispute on AliExpress? 

The earliest you can open a dispute on AliExpress is the 11th day after the order was shipped out. The latest is the 15th day after receiving the order. However, it is advisable o wait until the end of the purchase protection period.

Q:  What Tricks Can I Apply to Win a Dispute on AliExpress?

To win a dispute, you only need to prove your case beyond a reasonable doubt. In this regard, you need to provide as much relevant evidence as possible. For instance, you could attach a video of you unpacking the product upon receipt.

If the product is counterfeit or different from what the supplier promised, you will need a screenshot of the buyer’s description of the item on AliExpress. You should then submit enough photos or a video to prove that you did not get what you ordered.

Q: When and How Will I Receive My Refund?

If the dispute is concluded in your favor, you will receive the refund in 7 to 10 business days. The refund is often processed through the same method of payment you used to place the order. However, this is not the case for purchases made through Cash Payment (Russian Post, Euroset, and Syvaony), Western Union, TT, or Wire Transfer/Bank Transfer.

If you used any of these payment methods to pay for the product, the refund will be processed through your Alipay Account. The time it takes for the refund money to show up at your end mainly depends on the payment method used and your location.

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