아두이노 iot 서버 - adu-ino iot seobeo


In this example, we connect Ameba to WiFi and use Ameba as server, the user can control the LED on/off through a webpage.

First, connect Ameba with the LED.

In a LED, the longer pin is the positive pole, and the shorter pin is the negative pole. So, we connect the shorter pin to GND and connect the longer pin to D13. Additionally, to avoid the electric current exceeds the tolerance of the LED and causes damage, we connect a resistance on the positive pole.

AMB21 / AMB21:



BW16 type C:

AW-CU488 Thing Plus:

For RTL8720DN(BW16) board, you may consider to re-define “LED_PIN” macro to 10 for built-in green LED, or 11 for blue built-in LED, or 12 for red built-in LED to avoid using extra components.

Then open “File” -> “Examples” -> “WiFi” -> “SimpleWebServerWiFi”

In the sample code, modify the highlighted snippet to corresponding information.

Upload the code and press the reset button on Ameba. When the connection is established, you will see the message “To see this page in action, open a browser to //xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx” in the Arduino IDE, as shown in the figure:

Next, open the browser of a computer or a cell phone under the same WiFi domain, enter the address in the message.

Getting Started

Getting Started With the Arduino IoT Cloud

The Arduino IoT Cloud is a online platform that makes it easy for you to create, deploy and monitor IoT projects.

Arduino Cloud IoT Cheat Sheet

Learn how to set up the Arduino Cloud IoT, get a quick overview of the compatible boards, the API, configuration, Things, variables and dashboards.

Getting started with the Web Editor

A step-by-step guide to set up your online development environment.

Configuring LoRaWAN® devices in the Arduino Cloud

Connect your LoRaWAN® devices to the Arduino Cloud platform via The Things Network.

Connecting ESP32 & ESP8266 to Arduino Cloud IoT

Learn how to send data between an ESP32 / ESP8266 development board and the Arduino Cloud IoT.

Learn how to configure and use variables in your Arduino IoT Cloud sketches.

IoT Cloud Dashboards & Widgets

Learn about dashboards and the different widgets that can be used to monitor & control your board.

Get started with the Arduino Cloud CLI, a tool for the automation and mass-deployment of devices.

Arduino Cloud REST API & SDK

Learn how to authenticate with the Arduino IoT Cloud REST API to make requests using HTTP Client, JavaScript and Python.


Arduino IoT Cloud Scheduler Feature

Learn how to use the scheduler feature to trigger repeating jobs during specific times.

Device to device with Arduino IoT Cloud

Learn how to connect two boards through the Arduino IoT Cloud, by syncing their variables.

Thing to Thing communication with Arduino IoT Cloud

Learn how two Things can communicate with each other through variable syncing.

Uploading sketches Over-The-Air (OTA)

Learn how to utilize Over-The-Air (OTA), a feature that allows you to upload sketches remotely.

Learn how to share your dashboards with other Arduino Cloud users.

Webhooks with Arduino IoT Cloud

Learn how to setup webhooks with the Arduino IoT Cloud to work with third party platforms such as IFTTT.

Node-RED with Arduino IoT Cloud

Learn how to use Node-RED together with the Arduino IoT Cloud to create advanced automation systems.

Historical Data on Arduino IoT Cloud

Learn how to download historical data from the Arduino IoT Cloud


Arduino IoT Cloud, MKR RGB Shield and Alexa integration

Learn how to build a smart lamp by integrating the Arduino IoT Cloud and Alexa.

Environmental data in the Arduino IoT Cloud

Learn how to collect environmental data from the MKR ENV Shield and display it in the Arduino IoT Cloud.

Controlling relays from the Arduino IoT Cloud

Learn how to control the relays onboard the MKR Relay Shield through the Arduino IoT Cloud dashboard.

Embedding your sketches into an HTML page

Learn about different methods when embedding your sketches in a website.

Importing files to the Web Editor

Learn how to import your local sketchbook and custom libraries to the Web Editor.

Monitor Your Energy Bill with Modbus and the Arduino IoT Cloud

Connect a Modbus energy meter to an Arduino® MKR WiFi 1010 board and a MKR 485 Shield and monitor the power consumption of your home via an Arduino Cloud IoT dashboard.

Share Your Sketches on the Arduino Web Editor

Learn about different methods you can use to share your Arduino sketches with others.

Store your sensitive data safely when sharing a sketch

Learn how to share sketches without sharing the sensitive data such as Wi-Fi credentials and API keys.


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