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Start your review of 어느 날 공주가 되어버렸다 2 [Eoneu Nal Gongjuga Doeeobeoryeotda 2] (Who Made Me a Princess, Season 2)

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May 17, 2020 TARA rated it really liked it

@ chapter 72. Waiting for updates. This one is off to a very rocky start. I miss how everything used to be. Poor Athy (love her).

Lucas has returned (phew). His return was ALL TIME. He is new favourite character (after Athy) and I can't wait for them to fall in love. New baddie is so attractive (tall, dark, handsome version of Claude).

@ chapter 72. Waiting for updates. This one is off to a very rocky start. I miss how everything used to be. Poor Athy (love her).

Lucas has returned (phew). His return was ALL TIME. He is new favourite character (after Athy) and I can't wait for them to fall in love. New baddie is so attractive (tall, dark, handsome version of Claude).


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May 09, 2021 Kristilyn rated it it was amazing

So basically... someone should have punched me for not reading this sooner because I am obsessed!

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Aug 23, 2022 Bee rated it really liked it

Lucas slays. He carries it. When he left for the World Tree to regain his mana I was literally sobbing in pain afterward because it was so boring I felt like ripping my eyes out. But then he came back and I was like "yay!!" but then he barely showed up and oh god the angst.

It wasn't even good angst. It was so boring.

But I still enjoyed it.

I'm just saying that Lucas carried and that everything else was kinda stale, old, stinky, and boring. I can't remember what happens in season three compared to

Lucas slays. He carries it. When he left for the World Tree to regain his mana I was literally sobbing in pain afterward because it was so boring I felt like ripping my eyes out. But then he came back and I was like "yay!!" but then he barely showed up and oh god the angst.

It wasn't even good angst. It was so boring.

But I still enjoyed it.

I'm just saying that Lucas carried and that everything else was kinda stale, old, stinky, and boring. I can't remember what happens in season three compared to season two but all I do know is that quite frankly Lucas is beautiful and Ijekiel can go suck it.

Younger child Ijekiel is vv precious though.

Lowkey getting bored of Athanasia a bit. She's not cute anymore, she isn't a child, and she doesn't get up to much mischief. Idk, teenagers are boring. They are emo and stupid and boring. In stories, they do nothing but mope around and cry about their life. It's ok to be sad but it's not ok when you're a character in a book that I'm reading. I am not reading for angsty teenager.

Athanasia isn't actually that angsty I felt like typing out that extremely unnecessary paragraph to communicate my feeling to you.


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Jan 22, 2021 Jennasis rated it it was amazing

I cannot stop thinking about this series. It really is EVERYTHING. I even gushed to my mom about it when I went over to my parents for a visit. I'm telling you, this series is sticking with me like none other. The art style, the relationship building, the EVERYTHING. I need more like this please! I cannot stop thinking about this series. It really is EVERYTHING. I even gushed to my mom about it when I went over to my parents for a visit. I'm telling you, this series is sticking with me like none other. The art style, the relationship building, the EVERYTHING. I need more like this please! ...more

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Nov 11, 2021 Kimi rated it it was amazing

Lucas has become my favorite character. And honestly his relationship with Athy and how sweet it's becoming isn't as strange as it might would be considering their both adults basically trapped in a kids body. Jeanette is really sweet too but I hate the numerous layers of secrets that seem to be piling up around her even though it's not really her fault. And the change in the emperor straight up has me crying. I just want a happy ending for everyone. Lucas has become my favorite character. And honestly his relationship with Athy and how sweet it's becoming isn't as strange as it might would be considering their both adults basically trapped in a kids body. Jeanette is really sweet too but I hate the numerous layers of secrets that seem to be piling up around her even though it's not really her fault. And the change in the emperor straight up has me crying. I just want a happy ending for everyone. ...more

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Season 2 is written primarily for Jenette's character development (if there was any).

Although I'm sorry to say this, nobody cares about Jenette (and her mystery father figure).

I'm only sticking with it because the art is fantastic, and I was curious about Athanasia's journey to rise above father issues.

Season 2 is written primarily for Jenette's character development (if there was any).

Although I'm sorry to say this, nobody cares about Jenette (and her mystery father figure).

I'm only sticking with it because the art is fantastic, and I was curious about Athanasia's journey to rise above father issues.


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Feb 28, 2021 Araia rated it it was ok

This was disappointing. I feel like not much happened.

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Jun 19, 2021 Tânia rated it really liked it

I should have been writting but curiosity killed the cat

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Nov 30, 2020 Leila rated it it was amazing

This was so great. I finally understood those people that cry when reading books. Sometimes I got frustrated with Athy's dad and how cold he was to her after losing his memories. Nonetheless, I can't hate any of the characters; they all have their own problems. Especially, Jenette, I was fuming with anger last season, but now I understand she's just a girl who wants to be in a caring family.
I can't wait for season 3 to be published in English.
This was so great. I finally understood those people that cry when reading books. Sometimes I got frustrated with Athy's dad and how cold he was to her after losing his memories. Nonetheless, I can't hate any of the characters; they all have their own problems. Especially, Jenette, I was fuming with anger last season, but now I understand she's just a girl who wants to be in a caring family.
I can't wait for season 3 to be published in English.

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May 01, 2022 thueternity rated it really liked it

I haven’t read a high rated book (by me) in a while. Feels so good. I love this series so much. I thought that there would be moments where I felt as if it was dragging along, but there wasn’t such a thing! The story is just so compelling! I love how everything turned out. It’s plot is well planned out and executed very well also. I have a major big crush on the dad. He’s so good looking. I also have a thing for Lucus. Sorry for the other love interest… it’s just that Lucus is so powerful that i I haven’t read a high rated book (by me) in a while. Feels so good. I love this series so much. I thought that there would be moments where I felt as if it was dragging along, but there wasn’t such a thing! The story is just so compelling! I love how everything turned out. It’s plot is well planned out and executed very well also. I have a major big crush on the dad. He’s so good looking. I also have a thing for Lucus. Sorry for the other love interest… it’s just that Lucus is so powerful that it makes him so hot. The art is just so beautiful. It’s not like the typical kind where the male is overpowering the frame because he’s just “oh so big.” The fl is drawn so beautifully. I love this story so much! I hope I forget everything about it and stumble upon it later to relish in it’s greatness. I love this story!!! ...more

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May 31, 2020 QueenYatogirl rated it really liked it

This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. If you're one of those who's attracted more on the art style than the plot then this is the story for you. It's definitely overhyped and surprisingly I have no problem with it. The plot isn't original with a reincarnation story and a daughter to a terrifying emperor that kills people but they are creative with it. The main character, Athanasia does set a clear goal which is important because it helps make a progress in the story. She wants to survive, and she's scared. Understandable. She has a If you're one of those who's attracted more on the art style than the plot then this is the story for you. It's definitely overhyped and surprisingly I have no problem with it. The plot isn't original with a reincarnation story and a daughter to a terrifying emperor that kills people but they are creative with it. The main character, Athanasia does set a clear goal which is important because it helps make a progress in the story. She wants to survive, and she's scared. Understandable. She has a mind of an adult/teenager but she tries to fool everyone by acting her physical age. Athy also tries to win the emperor's heart and we see her actually grow up. People may think it's slow but this is needed in order to see the bond forming between them. It works and you will feel the waterworks coming for the drama.

I have one last thing to say is that every guy in the story is just so pretty and beautiful. I feel so insecure.


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Nov 24, 2019 R.Qtz rated it it was amazing

I've actually caught up to the updates long ago, but just forgot to update. Ok so the original story was actually in Korean so it takes longer to get the translated version. This highschool girl was reading a comic. She was so obssessed with it that she read multiple times. The comic was about a ruthless emperor that killed his own blood. After the high school girl read the comic, she fell asleep. You won't believe that she woke up int THAT comic girl. Unluckily, she was the princess that got ki I've actually caught up to the updates long ago, but just forgot to update. Ok so the original story was actually in Korean so it takes longer to get the translated version. This highschool girl was reading a comic. She was so obssessed with it that she read multiple times. The comic was about a ruthless emperor that killed his own blood. After the high school girl read the comic, she fell asleep. You won't believe that she woke up int THAT comic girl. Unluckily, she was the princess that got killed by her dad. How will she survive? Would she please her dad or run away. Unfortunately, she was born into an infant of that princess....it would be a long time she could escape! ...more

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Heyy I don’t know where can I read this so can someone tell me pleaseee I really want to read this

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Aug 20, 2020 Meya rated it really liked it

i'm gonna be honest, this manga is a bit overhyped because of the beautiful art. like okay i get it and i know that the art is absolutely stunning but i feel like people aren't actually appreciating the story as much? the story is not very original, it does have its own plottwists and unexpected shit but it's a reincarnation story with a tyrant dad, it's been done like 381038 times now

it IS a very good story, but it's definitely overhyped

i'm gonna be honest, this manga is a bit overhyped because of the beautiful art. like okay i get it and i know that the art is absolutely stunning but i feel like people aren't actually appreciating the story as much? the story is not very original, it does have its own plottwists and unexpected shit but it's a reincarnation story with a tyrant dad, it's been done like 381038 times now

it IS a very good story, but it's definitely overhyped


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Apr 15, 2021 Blue Lane rated it it was amazing

Season two showed just how far Athanasia has come, she’s my little independent queen. I do feel sorry for Jennette, but I think she’s being a little too sensitive. Of course she’s sensitive though because she’s been sheltered her entire life and has never had to grow tough skin like Athanasia.
I love the little love rivalry over Athanasia and how happy Lucas was after that kiss ☺️

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This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Everyone is so cute and so pure and adorable then there is jenette... Pardon but I dont like her. She is really like a yandere. And Black guy who looks like claude , I despise and hate you. And finally Lucas , seriously where are you. Why dont you come back.

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Nov 23, 2020 Maira rated it really liked it

The plot is thickening and having so much fun still. I usually hate reading an unfinished series. But I think this is worth the wait. Hopefully, Athanasia will be able to get her dad back. Claude, seriously don't be so stubborn 🤦🏻 The plot is thickening and having so much fun still. I usually hate reading an unfinished series. But I think this is worth the wait. Hopefully, Athanasia will be able to get her dad back. Claude, seriously don't be so stubborn 🤦🏻 ...more

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Jun 28, 2022 Dora rated it liked it

This kinda dragged with the whole amnesia plotline... Also am I the only one who thinks Jeanette is as interesting as watching paint dry on a wall? 😅
But hey, things are finally picking up again and I can sense we are in for some good old family drama soon 👀

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Apr 23, 2020 Byul rated it liked it

This is giving me so much anxiety now shsjsoiejdjeiwjdjje lets get to the happy ending now please I dont know how much I can take of this suspense of what's going to happen next This is giving me so much anxiety now shsjsoiejdjeiwjdjje lets get to the happy ending now please I dont know how much I can take of this suspense of what's going to happen next ...more

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